Norwegian version of this page

Clouds & Concerts: Trends in Music Culture (completed)

The project has researched audiences experience of live music and the use of new digital music services in the period 2010-2016. 

Young, happy people. Banner.

The research project studied two main areas: 

Clouds: Streaming and music online

This subproject investigated the role of streaming services like WiMP and Spotify, and how audiences find and share music through social media.

  • Listeners in Norway are world leading users of music streaming services: 7 of 10 adults use Spotify or WiMP
  • Smart phones is today the main platform for music streaming in Norway, overtaking PCs and Macs in 2012
  • Playlists listening is an important mode of use, presenting users with new ways of listening to and exploring music

The subproject on music in the ‘clouds’ concerns Internet based music in participatory culture, discourse on music as self-presentation and impression management, and the role of online friendships and social ties in the dissemination of music in contemporary music culture.

  • We examined the ways in which different media platforms typical of the ‘digital’ age – i.e. streaming services and social media – were used by audiences before, during and after concerts.
  • A special focus has been on the role of mobile media in everyday music culture.

Unique streaming data

This research project is one of the first to receive actual streaming data from a streaming service. A total of 72 weeks of streaming logs from 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 from the Norwegian streaming service WiMP, enabled us to get an unique insight in how people relates to music in everyday life.

The Øya-festival and mobile use

Furthermore, we have been concerned with if and how live music influences music streaming activities. Thus, we used the popular Oslo-based Øyafestival to analyse the impact of major events on streaming patterns, and how audiences were using the mobile phone in everyday life to consume music.

In addition to the streaming logs from WiMP, we have conducted several focus group interviews with audience from Øyafestivalen regarding their relationship to live music and use of mobile media during, under and after the festival.


Associate professor, Arnt Maasø, was responsible for this part of the project.

Other participants:

Anja Nylund Hagen wrote her PhD in the project 'Using Music Streaming Services: Practices, Experiences and the Lifeworld of Musicking', defended in 2015.

Marika Lüders is a research scientist at SINTEF and her work focuses on audiences and their use of social media.

Helena Zarifa Pedersen wrote her master thesis analyzing the two mobile apps from Spotify and the Norwegian streaming service WiMP.

Ragnhild Toldnes wrote her master thesis  on the the music shared after the 22/7 terror attacs in Oslo (Utøya) and sharing of music on social media in the time period after the terror.

Concerts: Festivals and live music

This subproject were concerned with the role of live music and experiences of liveness in contemporary music culture.

  • Audiences are seeking strong and rare experiences through live music
  • Mobile phones are increasingly used to take pictures of live music and share content through social media
  • Mobile phone use and social media represent the most notable changes in audience behavior the last decade
  • The Øya music festival and other large media events give rise to a large growth in streaming of artists related to the event​​

The subproject on ‘concerts’ has been concerned with how live and mediated forms evolve, how they are being used and mixed, and to what extent ‘physical’ live events extend into a virtual community.

  • Of particular interest is how the content and value of the live event has changed with the new forms and combinations of mediation and live performance made possible by online communication and distribution.

  • What is liveness today, and how does the infrastructure of a contemporary festival extend into digital platforms such as streaming services and social media.


Professor Anne Danielsen was responsible for this part of the project, and was joined by these researchers: 

  • Yngvar Kjus was a postdoc within the project, focusing on the impact of live music in current music culture. 

  • Inger Helseth wrote her master's thesis on how audiences and artist experienced live music as concerts and live format is continuously influenced by technological and digitalized sound.  

  • Ada Sandnes wrote her master's thesis on the roles social media and the music experience played for the audience visiting the local festival Volumfestivalen. 


Read more about the main findings


Books and reports

Kjus, Yngvar (2018): Live and Recorded: Music Experience in the Digital Millennium. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Maasø, Arnt: User-centric settlement for music streaming, rapport presentert på SXSW 14. mars 2014.


Danielsen, Anne, Kjus, Yngvar and Kraugerud, Emil (2018): Gendered Patterns in Music Mediation: A Study of Male and Female Performers at the Øya Festival Using Multiple Data Sources. Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts.

Danielsen, Anne and Kjus, Yngvar (2017): The Mediated Festival: Live Music as Trigger of Music Streaming and Social Media Engagement. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.

Hagen, Anja Nylund and Lüders, Marika (2016). Social streaming? Navigating music as personal and social. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.

Hagen, Anja Nylund (2016) The metaphors we stream by: Making sense of music streaming. First Monday 21(3).

Maasø, Arnt (2016). Music Streaming, Festivals, and the Eventization of Music. Popular music and society. doi: 10.1080/03007766.2016.1231001

Kjus, Yngvar (2016). Musical Exploration via Streaming Services: The Norwegian Experience. Popular Communication, 14(3), 127-136.

Kjus, Yngvar og Danielsen, Anne (2016). Live Mediation: Performing Concerts Using Studio Technology. Popular Music, 35(3), 320-337.

Danielsen, Anne og Helseth, Inger (2016). Mediated Immediacy. The Relationship between Auditory and Visual Dimensions of Live Performance in Contemporary Technology-Based Popular Music. Rock Music Studies (3)1, 24-40.

Hagen, Anja Nylund (2015). Using Music Streaming Services: Practices, Experiences and the Lifeworld of Musicking. Doktoravhandling ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon, Universitetet i Oslo. (Forsvart i offentlig disputas 15.12.15).

Lüders, Marika (2015). På sosial oppdagelsesferd i strømmetjenestenes musikkunivers? Norsk Medietidsskrift, 21 ER(02).

Hagen, Anja Nylund (2015). The Playlist Experience: Personal Playlists in Music Streaming Services. Popular Music and Society (38)5, 625-645

Kjus, Yngvar (2015). Reclaiming the Music: The Power of Local and Physical Music Distribution in the Age of Global Online Services. New Media and Society, s.1-17.

Kjus, Yngvar and Danielsen, Anne (2014): Live Islands in the Seas of Recordings: The Music Experience of Visitors at the Øya Festival. Popular Music and Society, 37(5), 660–679.

Maasø, Arnt og Toldnes, Ragnhild (2014). "Mitt lille land". i J. S. Knudsen, M. S. Skånland, & G. Trondalen, Musikk etter 22. juli (Vol. 7, pp. 25–47). Oslo: Skriftserie fra Senter for musikk og helse.

Brøvig-Hanssen, Ragnhild og Danielsen, Anne (2013). The Naturalised and the Surreal: Changes in the Perception of Popular Music Sound. Organised Sound, 18(1), s. 71-80.

Kjus, Yngvar (2013). Anmeldelse av Festival! Mellom rølp, kultur og næring. Studia Musicologica Norvegica nr. 39, s. 145-148.

Danelsen, Anne og Maasø, Arnt (2011). Mediating Music: Materiality and Silence in Madonna's "Don't Tell Me". I Hawkins, Stan (red.) Pop Music and Easy Listening: The Library of Essays on Popular Music. Ashgate. s. 127-169.


Hagen, Anja Nylund (2015). Using Music Streaming Services: Practices, Experiences and the Lifeworld of Musicking. PhD thesis at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. (Defended in a public disputation 15 December 2015).

Helseth, Inger (2013) Preprodusert liveness? En analyse av liveformatet i digitaliseringens tid. Masteroppgave ved Institutt for musikkvitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo.

Kristensen, Henrik Sanne (2014) ”Spillelisting” - En kvalitativ undersøkelse av strømmebrukeres omgang med spillelister som aktiv prosess. Masteroppgave ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon, Universitetet i Oslo.

Pedersen, Helena Zarifa M. (2013) Music In The Air: En studie av streamingtjenestene Spotify og WiMP på mobil. Masteroppgave ved Institutt for informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo.

Sandnes, Ada Elisabeth (2013) ”Hjem til Volum”: En analyse av publikums mediebruk og opplevelser på en festival med lokal profil. Masteroppgave ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon, Universitetet i Oslo.

Toldnes, Ragnhild (2013) Vårt lille land: Musikk etter 22. juli. Masteroppgave ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon, Universitetet i Oslo.

Conference papers and presentations

  • Danielsen, Anne: Music, media and technology in the digital age. Keynote ved konferansen "Technology and Creativity in Music Edcuation". Nordic Network for Research in Music Education, Hamar, 08.03.16.
  • Danielsen, Anne, Hagen, Anja N., Kjus, Yngvar og Maasø, Arnt: Clouds and Concerts summarised. ByLarm 2016, 03.03.16.
  • Danielsen, Anne, Hagen, Anja N., Kjus, Yngvar og Maasø, Arnt: Music in the Online Age. Findings and Forecasts. Universitetet i Oslo, 02.03.16
  • Kjus, Yngvar: Festivalopplevelser i den digitale tiden - nye muligheter for musikkformidlere? Presentasjon for Festivalnettverk i regi av Innovasjon Norge, 25. februar 2016.
  • Maasø, Arnt: Streaming – a challenge for the future of music? Invitert keynote ved konferansen Musimorphose(s), Paris 11.11.15. Kjus, Yngvar: Konsertopplevelser i digitale omgivelser. Presentasjon for Norsk kulturråd, 26. oktober 2015.
  • Maasø, Arnt: Surviving Streaming: How insight into listening patterns and the streaming model provide maps for the future. Presentation på Berlin Music Week, 05.09.14
  • Maasø, Arnt: A better way to cut a cake and eat it to: On revenue share in music streaming and the value of platform economics. Kronikk i Medium og Record of the day 26.6.14.
  • Maasø, Arnt: ‘Skipping’ og lyttemønstre. Slides relatert til sak om "Utålmodig strømming" på NRK Kulturnytt 12.05.14 (Innslaget finnes på NRKs nettradio: intro her og intervju her).
  • Maasø, Arnt: "Music Streaming in Norway: Four trends, Four years later" Presentasjon på By:Larm 27.2.2014.
  • Kjus, Yngvar: Endringer i musikkformidlingen, presentasjon på fagdag ved Instititutt for medier og kommunikasjon ved Universitetet i Oslo, 12. februar 2014.
  • Hagen, Anja N.:Personal Streaming? Presentation på the International symposium on Music in the online media age, Södertörn University, Sverige, 5. november 2013.
  • Kjus, Yngvar. The Use of Editorial Playlists, presentasjon ved International symposium on Music in the online media age, ved Södertörn Universitet, 5. november 2013.
  • Kjus, Yngvar:Konsertopplevelser i den digitale alderen: Påvirker nye medier det perseptuelle, psykologiske eller sosiale ved å dra på konsert?, Presentasjon på faglig-pedagogisk dag ved Universitetet i Oslo, 31. oktober 2013.
  • Kjus, Yngvar: Live islands in the seas of recordings: The live music experience of festivalgoers in the digital age, presentasjon ved åpent formidlings-seminar om festivaler ved Universitetet i Oslo, 6. august 2013.
  • Danielsen, Anne. Authorship in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Presentasjon på International Association for the Study of Popular Music 17th Biennal Conference ved Universidad de Oviedo, Gijon, Spania. 24-28 juni 2013
  • Nylund Hagen, Anja. Online Music Listening Strategies. Presentasjon på IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music) 17th Biennal Conference ved Universidad de Oviedo, Gijon, Spania. 24-28 juni 2013.
  • Kjus, Yngvar: The new faces of music: Festivals and streaming services, presentasjon PÅ IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music)) 17th Biennal conference, ved Universidad de Oviedo, Gijón, Spania, 26. juni 2013.
  • Danielsen, Anne. The perfect take. Innlegg på PitS kollokvie, University of West, London, Storbritannia, mai 2013.
  • Maasø, Arnt. Music streaming and user patterns: Scandinavians as crash test dummies for the future of music? Presentasjon ved forskningsseminar ved Universit Bangor, Bangor, USA, 19. februar 2013.
  • Hagen, Anja N.: Music Streaming: Phonograph Effect and Medium Specificity. Presentation på Scandinavian Ph.D. Conference in Cultural Studies: EXPRESSION, SENSATION, MEDIATION, Københavns Universitet, Danmark, 13.-15 desember 2012.
  • Danielsen, Anne. Musikk, mediering og mobilitet. Den digitale vending i musikkulturen. Presentajon på fagseminar Rikskonsertene hos Norges Musikkhøyskole, 12-13. desember 2012.
  • Danielsen Anne. What is liveness? The 7th Art of Record Production Conference, San Francisco, 2. - 4. desember 2011
  • Hagen, Anja N.: Approaching the Music Streaming Audiences. Presentasjon på PhD kollokvie, Internet Research 13.0, University of Salford, Manchester, UK, 18. november 2012.
  • Hagen, Anja N. Approaching the Music Streaming Audiences: Methodological Reflections. Presentasjon på at PhD Workshop: Researching Media Innovations - Approaches to Users, Producers and Texts, Universitetet i Oslo, 7. november 2012.
  • Danielsen, Anne. BIG DATA. Paneldebatt hos Teknisk Museum. Kjelsås, Oslo, 18.oktober 2012.
  • Kjus,Yngvar. New Spaces for Music? Festivals and Streaming Services as Intermediaries of Live and Recorded Music in Norway, Presentasjon ved Norsk medieforskerkonferanse, Kristiansand, Norge, 18-19. oktober 2012.
  • Kjus, Yngvar: "Sky og Scene: Gamle og nye musikkformidlere", presentert ved seminaret "Musikk i offentligheten / offentlighetens musikk" ved Universitetet i Bergen, 7. september 2012.
  • Danielsen, Anne. Presentasjon av Prosjektet Sky & Scene. Prosjektseminar "Kunst!Makt!" (NFR). Bø, Telemark, 20.august 2012.
  • Maasø, Arnt: "Expanding and enhancing the ‘live’ music experience: Analyzing streaming and social media behavior before, during and after a festival", presentasjon på ‘Post-Talk Talk’ - The Ross Priory 20th Anniversary International Seminar on Broadcast Talk, Ross Priory, University of Strathclyde, 9 -12 Juli 2012.
  • Maasø, Arnt: Event based listening: music streaming services and listening patterns, Presentasjon ved Københavns Universitet 16. mai 2012.
  • Maasø, Arnt: "Clouds and Concerts: WiMP and consumer behaviour", innlegg på by:Larm 17.02.12 (pdf 11 MB)
  • Danielsen, Anne. Music in the Age of Digital Reproduction: digital signatures and new distribution platforms. Innlegg under Re-theorizing the mutual mediation of technology and aesthetics: the case of music. Oxford, Storbritannia, 2012.
  • Maasø, Arnt. Sky & Scene Brukerundersøkelse av musikkstrømmming. Presentasjon hos Norsk Rikskringkasting (NRK). Oslo, Norge, 2012.
  • Maasø, Arnt. Music Streaming and sense of Ownership. Presentasjon ved ESF prosjektet "Of Authorship and Originality". Bergen, Norge, 2012.
  • Maasø Arnt., Due Beathe. og Danielsen Anne. Samspillet mellom live-musikk og digitale musikktjenester: Streaming-mønstre under Øya-festivalen 2010. Musikkteknologidagene 2011 Trondheim, 19.-22. oktober 2011.
  • Maasø, Arnt (2011) Samspill mellom sky og scene. Forelesningsrekke på Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Norge.
  • Maasø, Arnt (...........). Music streaming and innovation through Research. Foredrag ved The International Symposium on Media Innovations. Brussel, Belgia.


Music in the online age: Findings and Forecasts

The research project Clouds and Concerts presented the main findings on an open seminar March 2, 2016. 
Sted: ZEB-bygningen, Sem Sælands vei 2a


08:00-08:30: Breakfast 

08:30-08.35: Anne Danielsen & Arnt Maasø: Welcome

Part 1: Clouds

08:35-08:55: Arnt Maasø: Eventisation and concentration of online music

08:55-09:15: Anja Nylund Hagen: Streaming the everyday life – Playlists and the lifeworld of music listening

09:15-09:30: Response: Nancy Baym (Microsoft Research)

09:30-09:45: Q&A

09:45-10:05: Break for coffee and fruit

Part 2: Concerts

10:05-10:25: Anne Danielsen: Mediatised liveness: Music and media on and off stage

10:25-10:45: Yngvar Kjus: Live and Recorded: Music Experience in the Digital Environment

10:45-11:00: Response: Matt Brennan (U of Edinburgh)

11:00-11:15: Q&A

11:15-11:25: Patrik Åker (U of Södertörn): The future of online music - a Scandinavian perspective

11:25-12:00: Panel: The future of music in an online world?

Panel: Kathrine Synnes Finnskog (Music Norway), Jarle Savio (Phonofile), Marika Lüders, Anja Nylund Hagen, Yngvar Kjus (Clouds & Concerts).

Tags: Streaming, streaming services, festivals, concerts, live music, digital music, digitalization
Published Nov. 1, 2020 9:45 AM - Last modified Aug. 14, 2024 9:01 AM


  • Anne Danielsen University of Oslo
  • Arnt Maasø University of Oslo
  • Yngvar Kjus University of Oslo
  • Anja Nylund Hagen University of Oslo
  • Marika Lüders University of Oslo
  • Ola Løvholm
  • Xin Jian
  • Wenche Nag
  • Kenth Engø-Monsen
  • Johannes Bjelland
  • Pål Sundsøy
  • Beathe Due
  • Ragnhild Toldnes
  • Inger Helseth
  • Helena Zarifa Pedersen
  • Ada Sandnes
  • Henrik Sanne Kristensen
  • Magnus Indregard
  • Gro Kirkeby
  • Frederik Holm Højvang Rasmussen
List all participants