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Two female students sitting by a table talking. Photo.

Two female students sitting by a table talking. Photo.

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Centre for Philosophy and the Sciences

The Centre for Philosophy and the Sciences is an interdisciplinary meeting place for the interaction between the humanities and the sciences.

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Events at IFIKK


  • «Hvorfor skulde saa ikke vort lands børn kunne gjøre noget for vore barnehjem?»: Barnebladet Maaltrosten (1903-42) og barneforeiningane i Norsk misjon blant hjemløse (2024) Rostøl, Idunn Victoria
  • Abductive Reasoning in Science (2024) Dellsén, Finnur
  • That kid is a grasshopper! Metaphor development from 3 to 9 years of age (2024) Martín-González, Isabel; Rodriguez Ronderos, Camilo; Castroviejo, Elena; Schroeder, Kristen Frances; Falkum, Ingrid Lossius & Vicente, Agustín