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Arrangementer ILN

Kommende arrangementer

Tid og sted: , Henrik Wergelands Hus 421

Katja Årosin Laursen shares her experiences with producing a series of podcast episodes at the University of Copenhagen designed to stimulate dialogue on language use across the university.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugge, seminarrom 3

Join Kristin Bech (ILOS) and Eirik Welo (IFIKK) for a series of three informal seminars in which we read the text and images of the Bayeux tapestry.

Tid og sted: , Niels Treschows hus, 12th floor

In this course, we will present and discuss different methodological approaches to research on writing, as a basis for participants’ work to plan and carry out their own research projects.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus: Auditorium 2

Language learning is central for both individual and societal well-being. In a time of intense conflict, alongside a worldwide rise in discrimination, racism, xenophobia, and hate speech, language learning for lasting peace is important.

Tid og sted: , Sophus Bugges hus, Blindern

Universitetet i Oslo ønsker velkommen til MONS 20.