Mikael Males

Professor i norrøn filologi
Emneord: Norrøn filologi, Middelalder, Skaldediktning


  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2024). The Dating of Hávamál. Maal og Minne. ISSN 0024-855X. s. 81–117.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2024). Approaches to Dating the Poetry in the Sagas of Icelanders. Scripta Islandica: Isländska sällskapets årsbok. ISSN 0582-3234. 74, s. 81–102.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2023). The Irish Background of the Icelandic Calendrical Reform. Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland. ISSN 0332-1592. 34, s. 107–122.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2023). The Dating of Bragi's Poetry. Medioevo europeo. ISSN 2532-6856. 7(2), s. 63–77.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2023). The Earliest Old Norse Metrics. Filologia Germanica. ISSN 2036-8992. 15, s. 121–144.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2023). Textual criticism and Old Norse philology. Studia Neophilologica. ISSN 0039-3274. doi: 10.1080/00393274.2023.2205888. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2022). Irish Influence on Late Norse Paganism: The Leviathan and the Miðgarðsormr. Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland. ISSN 0332-1592. 33, s. 159–188. doi: 10.1484/J.PERIT.5.131903.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2021). Gylfaginning: Poetic Sources and the Structure of the Archetype. Saga-Book. ISSN 0305-9219. 45, s. 119–150.
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2021). Imagining the Holy Land in the Old Norse World. I Aavitsland, Kristin Bliksrud & Bonde, Line M. (Red.), Tracing the Jerusalem code : Volume 1 : The holy city Christian cultures in medieval Scandinavia (ca. 1100–1536). Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 9783110634853. s. 455–475. doi: 10.1515/9783110639438-022. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2021). Kan fornisländskans rúnar betyda “bokstäver”? Scripta Islandica: Isländska sällskapets årsbok. ISSN 0582-3234. 72, s. 127–136. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Males, Mikael (2020). Fóstbrœðra saga: A Missing Link? Gripla. ISSN 1018-5011. 31, s. 71–102.
  • Males, Mikael (2020). Form. I Bampi, Massimiliano; Larrington, Carolyne & Rikhardsdottir, Sif (Red.), A Critical Companion to Old Norse Literary Genre. Boydell & Brewer. ISSN 9781843845645. s. 61–72. doi: 10.1017/9781787447851.005.
  • Males, Mikael (2020). Denoting the Holy in Skaldic Tradition. I Kjesrud, Karoline & Males, Mikael (Red.), Faith & Knowledge in Late Medieval & Early Modern Scandinavia . Brepols. ISSN 9782503579009. s. 149–172. doi: 10.1484/M.KSS-EB.5.117745.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline & Males, Mikael (2020). Learning the Truth. I Kjesrud, Karoline & Males, Mikael (Red.), Faith & Knowledge in Late Medieval & Early Modern Scandinavia . Brepols. ISSN 9782503579009. s. 9–25. doi: 10.1484/M.KSS-EB.5.117739.
  • Males, Mikael (2019). Introduction. I Males, Mikael (Red.), Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature. Brepols. ISSN 978-2-503-57575-9. s. 1–13.
  • Males, Mikael (2019). Etymological Interpretation of Dreams in Old Icelandic Literature. I Males, Mikael (Red.), Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature. Brepols. ISSN 978-2-503-57575-9. s. 213–243. doi: 10.1484/M.DISPUT-EB.5.115603.
  • Males, Mikael (2019). Etymology, Wordplay, and the Truth Value of the Linguistic Sign from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. I Males, Mikael (Red.), Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature. Brepols. ISSN 978-2-503-57575-9. s. 15–43. doi: 10.1484/M.DISPUT-EB.5.115596.
  • Males, Mikael (2018). Pseudo-Remigius and the Old Icelandic Barbarismus: A Pilot Study. I Edzard, Lutz; Borgland, Jens Wilhelm & Hüsken, Ute (Red.), Reading Slowly. A Festschrift for Jens E. Braarvig. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-10964-2. s. 321–331. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvckq4dr.26.
  • Males, Mikael (2017). Character, Provenance, and Use of the Icelandic Fifth Grammatical Treatise. Arkiv för nordisk filologi. ISSN 0066-7668. 132, s. 121–138. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Males, Mikael (2017). The Last Pagan. Journal of English and Germanic Philology (JEGP). ISSN 0363-6941. 116(4), s. 491–514. doi: 10.5406/jenglgermphil.116.4.0491.
  • Males, Mikael (2017). 1100-talets pseudonyma skaldediktning: En kritisk granskning. Maal og Minne. ISSN 0024-855X. s. 1–24. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Males, Mikael (2016). Applied Grammatica: Conjuring up the Native Poetae. I Eriksen, Stefka Georgieva (Red.), Intellectual Culture in Medieval Scandinavia. Brepols. ISSN 978-2-503-55307-8. s. 263–307. doi: 10.1484/m.disput-eb.5.110527.
  • Males, Mikael (2015). Er Ólafur Þórðarson höfundur Eglu? Són. ISSN 1670-3723. 13, s. 173–179.
  • Males, Mikael (2014). Skáldskaparmál as a Tool for Composition of Pseudonymous Skaldic Poetry. I martin, chase (Red.), Eddic, Skaldic, and Beyond: Poetic Variety in Medieval Iceland and Norway. Fordham University Press. ISSN 978-0-8232-5781-2. s. 62–74. doi: 10.5422/fordham/9780823257812.003.0005.
  • Males, Mikael (2013). Allegory in Old Norse Secular Literature: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Viking and Medieval Scandinavia. ISSN 1782-7183. 9, s. 99–132. doi: 10.1484/j.vms.1.103878.
  • Males, Mikael (2013). The wormianus redactor: Language, faith, and truth at the middle of the fourteenth century. Arkiv för nordisk filologi. ISSN 0066-7668. s. 41–77.
  • Males, Mikael (2011). Egill och Kormákr - tradering och nydiktning :. Maal og Minne. ISSN 0024-855X. s. 115–146.
  • Males, Mikael (2008). Vellekla, dunhent och jónssonsk utgivning. I Johansson, Karl G.; Janson, Henrik; Magnúsdóttir, Auður; Malm, Mats & Rogström, Lena (Red.), "Vi ska alla vara välkomna!" Nordiska studier tillägnade Kristinn Jóhannesson. Göteborgs universitet. ISSN 978-91-633-2230-3. s. 363–368.
  • Males, Mikael (2006). Den avhängiga: Kvinnoförakt som förutsättning för ett enda genus på 1200-talets Island? Collegium Medievale. ISSN 0801-9282. 19, s. 65–82.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Males, Mikael Meuller (2024). Den äldsta fornnordiska litteraturen. Nya vetenskapliga rön. Dialogos Förlag. ISBN 978-91-7504-434-7. 248 s.
  • Males, Mikael (2020). The Poetic Genesis of Old Icelandic Literature. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISBN 978-3-11-064183-7. 353 s.
  • Kjesrud, Karoline & Males, Mikael (2020). Faith & Knowledge in Late Medieval & Early Modern Scandinavia . Brepols. ISBN 9782503579009. 306 s.
  • Males, Mikael (2019). Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature. Brepols. ISBN 978-2-503-57575-9. 272 s.
  • Males, Mikael (2017). Snorre och sagorna. De isländska källorna till vår äldre kulturhistoria. Dialogos Förlag. ISBN 978-91-7504-325-8. 160 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Males, Mikael & Downey, Clodagh (2020). What is Metre? Latin, Irish, Norse .
  • Males, Mikael (2019). Introduction. I Males, Mikael (Red.), Etymology and Wordplay in Medieval Literature. Brepols. ISSN 978-2-503-57575-9. s. 1–13. doi: 10.1484/M.DISPUT-EB.5.115595.
  • Males, Mikael (2018). Dating Skaldic Poetry by Content: A Viable Method?
  • Males, Mikael & Furuseth, Sissel (2017). Boklunsj: Snorre och sagorna.
  • Males, Mikael (2017). The Reception of Inspired Greek in the West.
  • Males, Mikael (2010). Mytologi i skaldedikt, skaldedikt i prosa. En synkron analys av mytologiska referenser i medeltida norröna handskrifter. Nauka.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 31. mai 2010 13:29 - Sist endret 25. mai 2022 09:24
