Media Companies and the Public Interest: A Comparative Study of Experiences in Flandern and Norway

How do private media understand their duty to society? How do they act in the public interest? 

The project investigates how companies in the media sector understand and relate to the public interest. While there has been much research on public service broadcasting, few studies have addressed how private media companies relate to the public interest and non-economic values.

The study is based on semi-structured interviews and documentary sources and addresses developments in two small European markets.

It builds on previous research of media ecosystems and partnerships (by Donders, Raats and others), and studies of "The Media Welfare State" (by Syvertsen, Enli and others). It is carried out as part of the research portfolio at IMK, UiO and SMIT, VUB. 

Research team:

Karen Donders, professor and Tim Raats, senior researcher, Free University of Brussels.

Gunn Enli, professor and Trine Syvertsen, professor, University of Oslo.

Research assistant (Norway) Linda Therese Rosenberg




Start spring 2016

Interviews spring and autumn 2016

First presentation at European Communication Research Conference in Prague 12.11.2016. Abstract here
