Norwegian version of this page

Centre for Ibsen Studies Library

We are a research library that manages the library collection and accrued knowledge about Henrik Ibsen, and makes it available for in-house as well as external research. The library is open to everyone.

A bookshelf filled with Ibsen publications

Find books, articles, journals etc.

Visit us

  • The library is staffed Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 09:00–14:45.*
  • Students and staff at UiO have access outside opening hours using their UiO access card and code. 
  • The library is located in Henrik Wergelands hus (room 215 and 213)

Everyone is welcome to visit us and use our library to read books and articles or watch a movie. Unfortunately, we do not provide the option of borrowing material home.

*See below for the opening hours in summer 2024

Work station

We have three computer work stations where you can, for example, search our collection. The library has a scanning machine available for students and employees at UiO.

Summer 2024

The library will be partially open from June 24 to August 4, 2024.

External visitors are requested to schedule their visit in advance.
Students and staff still have access with a UiO card and code.

The library will be unstaffed during week 30.

Happy summer and welcome back on August 5th!

Swimming in Christiania

Photo: Unknown photographer/Oslo byarkiv

Remote Access

Access library resources when you are not on campus.


For help and guidance, feel free to contact our subject librarian Kristin Kosberg by e-mail or our library assistant Nicolai Alexander Holck by e-mail.

For questions regarding Henrik Ibsens skrifter or Ibsen's manuscripts, feel free to contact editor Nina Marie Evensen.

About the library collection

About the collection

The physical collection counts about 2000 books by and about Ibsen and his works. In the library you will also find magazines, a large film collection, doctoral theses, master's theses, small print, reference literature and a unique collection of newspaper and magazine articles as well as book chapters.

In addition, the library gives you access to electronical books, articles, audio and images. You also have access to good quality digital dictionaries.

In the Oria search service, you get an overview of the Center for Ibsen Studies' entire collection of printed books, films and periodicals. You can also search in electronic resources: open access and e-subscription journals. Oria can also be used to search the collections of over 100 other Norwegian subject and research libraries.

How to perform a search in Oria



By Ibsen

The collection includes the major Norwegian editions (e.g. Henrik Ibsens skrifter) and the most comprehensive collections of works in German, French and English. We also have translations of individual works into many languages in addition to film adaptations and performance recordings for use in teaching. 

About Ibsen

The collection includes Norwegian and international secondary literature of older and more recent date, which is updated regularly. Some Scandinavian and English theatre and literature journals related to Ibsen Studies are available here, and a good collection containing drama theory and history, literature theory and history, handbooks, dictionaries in many languages, encyclopedias etc. We have ongoing subscriptions to the Centre for Ibsen Studies' own journal Ibsen Studies, both in print and electronic format, and we also keep Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift (physical). 

The collection also contains more than 15,000 copies of newspaper and magazine articles, as well as book chapters, about Ibsen's life and works, many of them hard to get elsewhere. You can look up the articles in The International Ibsen Bibliography, where you will also find the shelf signature. All articles registered after 2015 you can look up also in Oria. Many articles are electronically available. 

An alternative is to go to Nettbiblioteket ( (Online Library) for newspapers and magazines (Norwegian) etc. The Norwegian National Library are digitizing their entire collection, making it available in Nettbiblioteket. In Nettbiblioteket you can search in full text. Search tips and help for Nettbiblioteket can be found here (Norwegian only).

New books in the Library

Suggest a purchase

Do you have a favorite that you'd like to share? If you think something is missing in our collection, you can suggest a purchase (books, journals, films, databases, e-books etc). 

Suggest a purchase 

Do you wish to donate books to the library?

We are grateful for donations to the library, but we reserve the right to dispose of titles we do not need.

Make an appointment

Databases, Ibsen Studies

A person working at a computer next to a large bookshelf.

Note that some of the services are only available on campus or from home with swipe login (your UiO username and password). These are marked with Þ. Feel free to ask the librarian for an introduction and help with searching the databases.


National Library's catalogue of private archives, individual manuscripts and letters. (Norwegian)


Search for all known performances of Ibsen's plays. Updated by the Centre for Ibsen Studies.

Littforsk – Bibliography of Norwegian research in literature

A database containing references to research on literature published primary in Norway, including books, theses, and articles from books and journals. Operated by the National Library of Norway

MLA – Modern Language Association International Bibliography Þ

A classified listing and subject index of scholarly books and articles on modern languages, literature, folklore, and linguistics. Operated by the Modern Language Association of America

The Ibsen Society of America

The Ibsen Society of America (ISA) is an organization devoted to the promotion of academic and public interest in the works of  Henrik Ibsen.

The International Ibsen Bibliography

International bibliography with references to documents of and about Henrik Ibsen (books, journal chapters, theatre programs, films and more). Search among 39.000 items. Subject headings may be searched through a separate list of terms for topics (norvok) (Norwegian terms only). Genre terms may be searched through a separate list of terms for genres (ntsf) (Norwegian terms with English translation). Academically responsible for the bibliography is the Center for Ibsen Studies 

The Internet Archive

A non-profit online library with more than 6 million digitized older books. Includes "Wayback machine" -– an archive of internet pages

The Multilingual Ibsen

The works of Henrik Ibsen in the original Norwegian, presented side by side with translations into various languages. 

The Virtual Ibsen Centre 

The Ibsen Center's web portal with links to several databases and digital resources that are operated/developed/expanded by us (incl. The International Ibsen Bibliography, The Ibsen ArchiveThe writings of Henrik IbsenIbsenStage and The Multilingual Ibsen)

The writings of Henrik Ibsen (e-edition)

A digital edition containing all preserved written material by Henrik Ibsen. (Norwegian)