Personer med emneord «History of Ideas»

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Bilde av Giulia  Frigerio Frigerio, Giulia Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow 56959 +39 3480380809 Classics, Classical Archaeology, Cognitive Archaeology, Religious studies, History of ideas, History of Religions, Gender Studies
Bilde av Thorbjørn Nordbø Nordbø, Thorbjørn Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22844331 +47 97675451 History of ideas, History of the Book, Paratext, Early Modern Period, Classical tradition, Reception Studies, Renaissance
Bilde av Viktor Carl-Magnus Andersson Andersson, Viktor Carl-Magnus Doctoral Research Fellow History of ideas, Environmental Humanities, History of knowledge, Temporality, Ecology, Phenomenology, Historiography
Bilde av Sveinung Næss Næss, Sveinung Doctoral Research Fellow History of ideas, Enlightenment, Recognition, Emotions
Bilde av Arendse Wenzel Måge Måge, Arendse Wenzel Doctoral Research Fellow History of ideas, Enlightenment, Nordic History, Historiography, Temporality, Environmental Humanities, Early Modern Period
Bilde av Eleonora Cappuccilli Cappuccilli, Eleonora Researcher History of ideas, Renaissance studies, Feminist theory, Early Modern Women
Bilde av Paola D’Andrea D’Andrea, Paola Postdoctoral Fellow Classics, Classical tradition, Reception Studies, History of ideas, Comparative literature
Bilde av Anne Helness Helness, Anne Lecturer +47 22855991 History of ideas, Early Modern knowledge making, Renaissance humanism, European intellectual history, Travel Writing
Bilde av Christine Amadou Amadou, Christine Professor +47 22856146 98643159 History of ideas
Bilde av Ellen Marie Krefting Krefting, Ellen Marie Professor History of ideas, Intellectual history, Early modern, Enlightenment, Public sphere, Freedom of speech and democracy, Gender Perspectives, Historiography, Denmark-Norway
Bilde av Espen  Schaanning Schaanning, Espen Professor Emeritus +47 95943656 History of ideas, Punishment, French Enlightenment, The Scout Movement, School history, Pacifism
Bilde av Jan-Erik Ebbestad  Hansen Hansen, Jan-Erik Ebbestad Professor Emeritus History of ideas
Bilde av Ingrid Markussen Markussen, Ingrid Professor Emeritus History of ideas
Bilde av Reidar Aasgaard Aasgaard, Reidar Professor +47 22854917 +4799736649 History of ideas, History of Religions, Christianity, New Testament, Early Christianity, Cultural Studies, Translation Studies, Greek, Latin, Popular Music
Bilde av Per Strømholm Strømholm, Per History of ideas
Bilde av Thor Inge Rørvik Rørvik, Thor Inge Lecturer +47 22854916 History of ideas
Bilde av Unn Falkeid Falkeid, Unn Professor +47 22856056 +47 99568527 History of Ideas, Intellectual history, Renaissance studies, Humanism, Early Modern Women, Book History, Gender Studies
Bilde av Håkon Evju Evju, Håkon Associate Professor +47 22857211 History of ideas, Political philosophy, History of scholarship, Enlightenment, Public sphere, Economic thought
Bilde av Han Lamers Lamers, Han Professor +47 22857178 +47-22857178 Classics, Latin, Greek, Classical tradition, Classical reception, History of scholarship, History of ideas, Cultural history
Bilde av Matthew Kinloch Kinloch, Matthew Researcher Classics, History of ideas, Historiography, Medieval Studies, Byzantine History, Philosophy of History, Narratology
Bilde av Alejandra Mancilla Mancilla, Alejandra Professor +47 22841677 +47 92816049 Philosophy, Political philosophy, Ethics, History of ideas, Environmental philosophy, Environmental Humanities, human rights
Bilde av Ingar Stene Stene, Ingar Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22856294 Environmental Humanities, OSEH, Environmental History, Early Modern Period, Historiography, History of knowledge, History of ideas, History of Concepts, Scandinavia, Climate Change
Bilde av Melissa Worley Kapitan Kapitan, Melissa Worley Researcher Early Medieval History, Christianity, Liturgy, manuscript studies, History of ideas