Nettsider med emneord «C2HO»

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Parallel, Tints and shades, Slope.
Publisert 25. juli 2023 14:44

During April - May 2023, we ran a design competition with the goal to generate a 1 - 2 minutes audiovisual artwork by coding in text-based programming languages. 

Image may contain: Rectangle, Font, Grass, Symmetry, Pattern.
Publisert 25. juli 2023 11:43

The first C2HO hackathon was held in the run-up to our opening event in August 2022. The task was to generate a visual or sonic artwork using code, with the idea being to create something that would represent the C2HO in some way.

Image may contain: Property, Product, Human, Lighting, Orange.
Publisert 18. aug. 2023 12:00

Facts and figures after one year of Creative Computing Hub Oslo.

Image may contain: Furniture, Product, Chair, Computer, Personal computer.
Publisert 10. mai 2024 16:48

Facts and figures after two years of Creative Computing Hub Oslo.

Image may contain: Font, Slope, Astronomical object, Science, Space.
Publisert 8. jan. 2024 20:10

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops featuring international creative computing practitioners who will explain the coding process and aesthetic considerations behind one of their digital artworks.

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Purple, Rectangle, Violet, Font.
Publisert 12. feb. 2024 15:11

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops focused on ml5.js, a beginner-friendly library for p5.js that enables you to utilize machine learning directly in your web browser.

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Pattern, Circle, Art, Symmetry.
Publisert 20. sep. 2023 16:27

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops focused on getting started with creative computing in p5.js, a beginner-friendly JavaScript library with a full set of drawing and sound-making functionalities.

Image may contain: Font, Art, Pattern, Electric blue, Circle.
Publisert 18. okt. 2023 11:48

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops focused on getting started with creative computing in p5.js, a beginner-friendly JavaScript library with a full set of drawing and sound-making functionalities.

Image may contain: Font, Slope, Astronomical object, Science, Space.
Publisert 20. apr. 2024 13:02

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie verksteder med internasjonale utøvere av kreativ databehandling som vil forklare kodingsprosessen og estetiske hensyn bak ett av deres digitale kunstverk.

Bildet kan inneholde: fargerike, lilla, rektangel, fiolett, font.
Publisert 13. mai 2024 10:07

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie workshops med fokus på ml5.js, et nybegynnervennlig bibliotek for p5.js som gjør det mulig å bruke maskinlæring direkte i nettleseren din.

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Pattern, Circle, Art, Symmetry.
Publisert 13. mai 2024 10:07

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie workshops fokusert på å komme i gang med kreativ koding i p5.js, et nybegynnervennlig JavaScript-bibliotek med en komplett samling funksjoner for tegning og lydproduksjon.

Bildet kan inneholde: font, kunst, mønster, elektrisk blå, sirkel.
Publisert 13. mai 2024 10:07

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie workshops fokusert på å komme i gang med kreativ koding i p5.js, et nybegynnervennlig JavaScript-bibliotek med en komplett samling funksjoner for tegning og lydproduksjon.

Bildet kan inneholde: mesh, font, nett, mønster, sirkel.
Publisert 13. mai 2024 10:07

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie workshops fokusert på å komme i gang med kreativ koding i p5.js, et nybegynnervennlig JavaScript-bibliotek med en komplett samling funksjoner for tegning og lydproduksjon.

Bildet kan inneholde: font, skråningen, astronomisk objekt, vitenskap, rom.
Publisert 13. mai 2024 10:07

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie workshops fokusert på å komme i gang med kreativ koding i p5.js, et nybegynnervennlig JavaScript-bibliotek med en komplett samling funksjoner for tegning og lydproduksjon.

Image may contain: Violet, Font, Magenta, Electric blue, Circle.
Publisert 20. aug. 2023 19:40

Early this spring I walked across the aisle at the Medical Faculty and spotted an unusual event announced on the University’s information screens, «Creative Computing Competition 2023…C2HO…open to everyone…audiovisual artwork…text-based programming…award…».

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Rectangle, Font, Parallel, Slope.
Publisert 25. juli 2023 16:47

One of the goals of the Creative Computing Hub Oslo is to map and bring together people at the University of Oslo who are involved in creative computing at some level, regardless of which department they belong to.

Image may contain: Sky, Font, Circle, Logo, Number.
Publisert 16. jan. 2023 12:00

Creative Computing refers to the use of computing technologies to create expressive artifacts rather than something functional.

Image may contain: Mesh, Font, Net, Pattern, Circle.
Publisert 15. nov. 2023 13:38

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops focused on getting started with creative computing in p5.js, a beginner-friendly JavaScript library with a full set of drawing and sound-making functionalities.

Image may contain: Font, Slope, Astronomical object, Science, Space.
Publisert 8. jan. 2024 20:55

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops featuring international creative computing practitioners who will explain the coding process and aesthetic considerations behind one of their digital artworks.

Image may contain: Font, Slope, Astronomical object, Science, Space.
Publisert 7. des. 2023 17:11

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops focused on getting started with creative computing in p5.js, a beginner-friendly JavaScript library with a full set of drawing and sound-making functionalities.

Image may contain: Font, Slope, Astronomical object, Science, Space.
Publisert 13. mai 2024 10:07

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presenterer en serie verksteder med internasjonale utøvere av kreativ databehandling som vil forklare kodingsprosessen og de estetiske vurderingene bak ett av deres digitale kunstverk.