Nettsider med emneord «HF»

Folk som sitter i trapp ute, sommer, bygg i bakgrunnen
Publisert 24. juni 2024 13:32

Er du student på fulltid med 40 studiepoeng eller mer i tysk, fransk, spansk, nordisk eller Midtøsten-studier fra HF? Kan du formidle faget ditt på en spennende og engasjert måte til elever i VGS? Søk jobb som skolebesøker og få muligheten til å bli del av et hyggelig team denne høsten! 

Bildet viser kulturhistorie-studenten Oda smilende foran Blindern, iført en kul jakke, handlenett og band-t-skjorte.
Publisert 1. apr. 2022 09:05

Oda (24) tar en bachelorgrad i kulturhistorie på Universitetet i Oslo. Hun hadde allerede smakt litt på arbeidslivet, men ønsket en bredere kompetanse. Nå har hun fått en inngangsbillett til hele kultursektoren!

A white warehouse or factory building stands tall against the blue backdrop of a clear sky
Publisert 28. feb. 2022 19:51

In this talk, sustainability and tourism researcher Per Strömberg discusses the practices of ‘adaptive reuse’ of buildings as part of a cultural economy. He considers ‘reuse value’ is a cultural capital which is used as a rhetorical device in the discourse of sustainability and circular economy, but also, something that can be converted into economic capital in urban redevelopment.

A white horse stands on the beach.
Publisert 17. feb. 2022 15:13

In this talk, philosopher and veterinarian Kerstin Weich introduces how veterinary humanities contribute to current discussions on environmentality in biomedicine. Starring: Japanese fungus, veterinarians, tapeworms, horses and dung-feeding beetles in ecological turf wars.

A picture of a type case with different letters jumbled together.
Publisert 17. feb. 2022 15:12

In this talk, poet and translator Kathleen Maris Paltrineri will discuss ecopoetic works published in Norway that push boundaries in form, language, and thought as they explicitly or implicitly address the ramifications of climate change. She will also draw on her translation experience to discuss how ecotranslation may invite innovative translation and creative writing practices and may be its own form of activism.

Entagnled photo of fish under water and mossy rocks with Kelp.
Publisert 9. feb. 2022 09:51

The Oslo School of Environmental Humanities hosted its first ever Knowing Natures Eco-Slam on 3 December 2021, an open drop-in exhibition with presentations and performances by the EHS Honours students.

This image shows a man pointing towards manholes.
Publisert 1. feb. 2022 14:05

In this talk, environmental anthropologist Dr. Nikiwe Solomon explores how particular assumptions built into the design of infrastructure, as well as the bureaucratic and techno-managerial approaches used to build said infrastructure, often take for granted the social consequences of infrastructure’s day-to-day (mal)functioning.

Image may contain: Logo, Font, Graphic design, Sky, Graphics.
Publisert 1. feb. 2022 10:00

In 2021, OSEH continued its work to strengthen interdisciplinary research, teaching and discussions on climate change and the environment. Due to Covid-19, OSEH had to adapt to a "new normal" and postponed some of its planned activity while moving other activities to the virtual space.

Cardboard boxes are piled on top of each other. Words such as "chloropfyll" and "plants" are written all over the boxes.
Publisert 28. jan. 2022 15:37
If—on our present horizon—design appears as environmental humanities gone live, education must be a key player in hatching and cultivating the awareness of this possibility. In this talk, anthropologist Theodor Barth shares his perspectives.
An illustration of a diver seen from below. The water is coloured green.
Publisert 28. jan. 2022 11:53

This talk by contemporary historian Tirza Meyer will be a presentation of the project ‘Humanoid Oceans’ that seeks to explore the history of what happens to the oceanic environment when humans venture into the ocean with the help of technology.

Picture of students at a farm excursion
Publisert 19. jan. 2022 13:07

In June 2021, students enrolled in the Honours Certificate Programme visited Nabolagshager at Linderud Gård to learn about sustainable food production in Oslo and Viken area. 

Several twigs with sprouting buds.
Publisert 14. jan. 2022 15:31

New OSEH Associate Professor II, Michelle Bastian, will discuss her current fellowship project which will build connections with phenology, the study of lifecycle timing in plants and animals, and humanities research.  

A landscape photograph portraying hills and forests. In the distance clouds are gathering.
Publisert 12. jan. 2022 18:01

In this talk, anthropologist Anselmo Matusse introduces how the Mozambican state establishes extractivism in the country and its pernicious effects on people and landscapes on the ground.

An illustration of lakes, hills and the sky.
Publisert 9. nov. 2021 10:31

How can we balance wilding agricultural land to increase biodiversity, while maintaining the cultural heritage within landscapes? Is it possible to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems, while restoring culture too? What issues are at stake in the UN Decade on Restoration? 

Register here by the 25th of November to participate.

Photo montage of four people on a Zoom call
Publisert 21. okt. 2021 08:56

The Oslo School of Environmental Humanities congratulates Honours certificate students Harald Bøe and Tarjei Brekke, as well as history student Andrine Brorson, with winning the first Faculty of Humanities case competition!

Poster with information on the event "Monsters of the Anthropocene" over an image of a box full of toys.
Publisert 13. okt. 2021 13:55

What do the futures of monster theory hold? And what stories can we tell about its origins? ‘Unruly Origins, Strange Futures’ explores the pasts and futures of thinking with monsters through art, politics, storytelling and scholarship.

Picture of a woman on the icy fjord with a larger sound instrument
Publisert 5. sep. 2021 12:05

On the 28th of August, Honours Certificate students from the Honours Certificate in Environmental Humanities and Sciences participated in a sound workshop with Signe Lidén. The goal of the exercise was to learn how to build microphones and explore how listening in different ways can contribute to place-based learning.

Displays a black and white image of a bald man in a black shirt.
Publisert 27. juli 2021 21:51

The Oslo School of Environmental Humanities sends its most sincere congratulations to Thom van Dooren for being awarded the 2021 Fleck Prize for his book The Wake of Crows: Living and Dying in Shared Worlds (Columbia University Press 2019).

Photo of EHS students by the Oslo Fjord in the summer.
Publisert 30. juni 2021 15:12

On the 5th of June, 2021, the students at the Honour's Certificate met up with the Oslo Fjord School. The learning focus of the excursion was on the underwater multispecies lives of the Oslo fjord and "Underwater Urbanity".

Photo of trash and scrap on a rocky beach.
Publisert 1. feb. 2021 14:24

We are excited to announce the new lecture series: "New Environmental Archaeologies - Anthropocene Agendas for Environmental Archaeology”.

Image contains cattle in a small compound of grass. Palmtrees in the back.
Publisert 22. jan. 2021 15:20

Morris' project Communing with Others: Multispecies Entanglements in Mexican Ecovillages focuses on the emergent ecovillage movement in Mexico, exploring how people imagine, construct, and inhabit intentional, ecologically-oriented communities.

Aerial photo of a mineral extraction area at the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
Publisert 19. jan. 2021 13:22

How has the notion of the Anthropocene changed our disciplines, research practice and theories? 

The OSEH logo on a marine green background of skies and forest
Publisert 14. jan. 2021 13:35

In 2020, OSEH continued its work to strengthen interdisciplinary research, teaching and discussions on climate change and the environment. Due to Covid-19, OSEH had to adapt to a "new normal" and postponed some of its planned activity while moving other activities to the virtual space.

Image may contain: Logo, Font, Graphic design, Sky, Graphics.
Publisert 5. nov. 2020 09:19

The Oslo School of Environmental Humanities started in spring 2019 with the aim of facilitating and strengthening humanistic research on the environmental crisis that crosses disciplines and creatively respond to the environmental and social challenges of our time. Here is a recap of the first 12 months of OSEH and the initiative's activities.

Underwater, Diver, Vehicle
Publisert 9. juni 2020 23:04

Oslo School of Environmental Humanities welcomes Tirza Meyer as a Visiting Scholar! Meyer joined OSEH in May 2020 and will stay until the end of this year. Her project Humanoid Oceans or an Ocean of Humanoids? examines the rise of autonomous underwater vehicles and explores the ambiguities that they bring with them.