Norwegian version of this page

The Norwegian Institute in Rome

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, surrounded by other buildings and threes.

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, surrounded by other buildings and threes. Photo.


  • Bachelor and Master level courses in art history, classics and Italian studies
  • Course about Rome from antiquity to recent times
  • Annual course for teachers


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Image may contain: Sky, Tree, Window, Sculpture, Building.


The Norwegian Institute in Rome is an international meeting point for the humanities, and an important arena for international research collaboration.

A Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1352) in Medival/ Early Modern studies is available from September/October 2024 at the Norwegian Institute in Rome, application deadline 1 April.


Grant for young researchers

The Norwegian Institute supports young researchers through travel grants. Deadlines for applications: 15 May and 15 October.

Library and photographic archive

The library and photographic archives are unique resources to explore the art history of late antiquity, classical archaeology, and Byzantine art in Italy and in the Mediterranean basin.


  • Work in progress! July 3, 2024 3:48 PM

    The rehabilitation of the Institute building and other renovations are entering an exciting phase. The colours are starting to cover increasingly more of the facades, and the office floor and the terraces are ready to be tiled.

  • Excavations in Etruscan Vulci June 21, 2024 6:24 PM

    The University of Gothenburg and the Institutes soon-to-be research fellow Irene Selsvold are currently in the midst of an exciting excavation project in Vulci in the summer heat, and invited us to a tour of the excavation area.

  • Irene Selsvold - postdoctoral fellow in Rome from August 2024 May 31, 2024 12:15 PM

    Irene will soon be our new colleague in Rome, Her research concentrates on Late Antiquity, burial traditions and societal changes, but her interests go well beyond that.

  • The Norwegian national day on 17 May in Rome May 21, 2024 3:08 PM

    The Constitution of Norway was signed at Eidsvoll on 17th of May 1814. It is celebrated as Norway's national day, also in Rome. Norwegian visitors and expats gather at the non-catholic cemetery, at the grave of P.A. Munch.

The L’Orange lecture

An annual lecture is held with renowned international researchers in memory of the founder of the Institute of Rome, Hans Peter L'Orange

The Institute in social media

Informazioni in italiano

Informazioni in italiano sull'Istituto di Norvegia in Roma.