Siri Sande

Image of Siri Sande
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Phone +39 06 5839 1011
Room Ufficio 3. piano
Visiting address Istituto di Norvegia Viale Trenta Aprile 33 Gianicolo 00153 ROMA
Postal address Istituto di Norvegia Viale Trenta Aprile 33 00153 ROMA

Interessi professionali

Siri Sande ha dedicato i suoi studi principalmente all’arte e architettura romana. Ha partecipato a scavi al Foro Romano, ha collaborato alla pubblicazione scandinava del Tempio di Castore e Polluce al Foro Romano, ha pubblicato un catalogo di  antichi ritratti presenti in collezioni norvegesi e numerosi articoli sulla Roma della tarda antichità.


Siri Sande è docente del  corso ”L’età dell’oro augustea” che si tiene all’Istituto (collaborazione tra l'Università di Oslo e l'Università di Bergen). Il corso include anche una escursione a Napoli, Pompei e Ercolano.

Sande è fra i docenti del corso ”Roma – luogo e simbolo” e su richiesta partecipa come docente in varie altre occasioni.


Docente all’Università di Oslo dal 1975, professore associato  presso l’Istituto di Norvegia  dal 1983 al 1990, professore ordinario della Facoltà di studi umanistici dell’’Università di Olso dal 1996, e direttrice dell’Istituto di Norvegia in Roma dal 2003 al 2007. Professore emerito dal 2010.


  • Sande, Siri (2021). Panegyrics, Poetry and Hair in the Late First and Early Second Century AD. Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies. ISSN 0039-7679. 95(1), p. 192–233. doi: 10.1080/00397679.2021.2076346.
  • Sande, Siri (2018). The "barbarian princes" in the ara pacis procession and the origin and development of the so-called camillus coiffure. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. 28, p. 7–46.
  • Sande, Siri (2017). The Ludovisi "throne", the Boston "throne" and the Warren Cup: Retrospective works or forgeries? Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XXIX(15), p. 23–51. doi: 10.5617/acta.6075.
  • Sande, Siri (2017). Il tempio dei Castori e la tradizione decorativa augustea. In Caprioli, Francesco (Eds.), Decor. Decorazione e architettura nel mondo romano Atti del Convegno Internazionale Roma, 21-24 maggio 2014. Edizioni Quasar. ISSN 978-88-7140-754-8.
  • Sande, Siri (2017). Clementia. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 2017(1), p. 4–29.
  • Sande, Siri (2015). "The Barbarian princes" in the Ara Pacis procession and the origin and development of the so-called Camillus coiffure. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. 28(n.s. 14), p. 7–46. doi: 10.5617/acta.5830.
  • Sande, Siri (2014). Statue of a Woman. In Østby, Erik (Eds.), Tegea II, Investigations in the sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea 1990-94 and 2004. The Norwegian Institute at Athens. ISSN 978-960-85145-2-2. p. 289–297.
  • Sande, Siri (2014). Keiser Augustus - det selvoppdagede geniet. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 53–73.
  • Sande, Siri (2014). Lucius Verus, Faustina minor, og (kanskje) Lucilla. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 4–21.
  • Sande, Siri (2014). The female portrait gallery in Pompey's theatre complex in Rome: Appearance and impact. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. 27(13), p. 41–70. doi: 10.5617/acta.5806.
  • Sande, Siri (2014). Note on a torso in Vicolo dei Catenari in Rome. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. 27(13), p. 161–165. doi: 10.5617/acta.5811.
  • Sande, Siri (2014). Conclusion : iconclasm in history and present-day use of images. In Kolrud, Kristine & Prusac, Marina (Ed.), Iconoclasm from antiquity to modernity, Ashgate. ISSN 978-1-4094-7033-5. p. 171–188.
  • Sande, Siri (2013). Marcus Aurelius. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 5–25.
  • Sande, Siri (2013). En gammel amme : antikviteten. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 8–37.
  • Sande, Siri (2012). Evig hvile. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 2012(2), p. 6–35.
  • Sande, Siri (2012). Landlivets gleder. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 2012(1), p. 6–20.
  • Sande, Siri (2012). The Art of Memory and Roman Art. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. 25(n.s. 11), p. 57–76. doi: 10.5617/acta.5787.
  • Sande, Siri (2011). Life and Art in the Countryside: Happiness and/or Roman Virtue? Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies. ISSN 0039-7679. 85(1), p. 161–168. doi: 10.1080/00397679.2011.631366.
  • Sande, Siri (2011). Silvanus og andre fruktbarhetsguder. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 10–29.
  • Sande, Siri (2011). Smuler fra de rikes bord: antikviteten. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 10–26.
  • Sande, Siri (2010). Stili : antikviteten. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 6–22.
  • Sande, Siri (2010). Imperial Mausolea and Everyman's Grave? The Fourth-Century funerary Basilicas in the Roman suburbia. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XXIII.
  • Sande, Siri (2010). The Female Hunter and other Examples of Change of Sex and gender on Roman Sarcophagus Reliefs. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XXII, p. 56–86.
  • Sande, Siri (2010). Et håndverkerrelieff. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 6–25.
  • Sande, Siri (2009). Kvinnen i futteralet. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 6–27.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Bone Objects. In Bilde, Pia Guldager & Poulsen, Birte (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux, II.1. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654634. p. 301–307.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). The Facing of the Podium and the Tribunal. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 103–127.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). The Superstructure of the Temple. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 129–208.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Catalogue of Fragents found during the Excavation. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 209–225.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). The Style. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 227–244.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Workshop and Tradition. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 245–250.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). The Reconstruction Drawings of the August Temple. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 251–252.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Conclusion. In Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (Ed.), The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 9788882654979. p. 253–262.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Funerary Altar. In Barbanera, M. & Freccero, A. (Ed.), LA COLLEZIONE DI ANTICHITA' DI PALAZZO LANCELLOTTI AI CORONARI. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 978-88-8265-485-6. p. 244–245.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Trench R. In Cullhed, M. & Slej, K. (Ed.), The Temple of Castor & Pollux II:2. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISSN 978-88-8265-498-6. p. 351–357.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). En fet silen antikviteten. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 6–27.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). En satyr. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 2, p. 12–33.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Egyptian and Other elements in the Fifth-Century Mosaics of S. Maria Maggiore. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XXI, p. 65–94.
  • Sande, Siri (2007). Ariadne. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 1, p. 6–28.
  • Sande, Siri (2007). The Getty Kouros and Other Anomalies. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. 20, p. 51–64.
  • Sande, Siri (2006). Argonaut eller trojaner? Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 11–30.
  • Sande, Siri (2006). En mann og brød. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 8–27.
  • Sande, Siri (2006). Una scena enigmatica su una colonna protobizantina. Arte Medievale. ISSN 0393-7267. p. 9–19.
  • Sande, Siri (2006). En bysantinsk emaljeplakett fra Sørenga i Oslo. Skrifter (Kulturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo). ISSN 1504-3258. 4.
  • Sande, Siri (2006). Petropighi. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique. ISSN 0007-4217. 2.
  • Sande, Siri (2005). Pagan Pinakes and Christian Icons. Continuity or Parallelism? Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XVIII, p. 81–101.
  • Sande, Siri (2005). spionen i treet. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 10–31.
  • Sande, Siri (2005). Axel Boethius. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 6–22.
  • Sande, Siri (2005). Hans Peter L'Orange og Nasjonalgalleriet. Kunst og kultur. ISSN 0023-5415. 88(3), p. 141–151.
  • Sande, Siri (2004). The Petropigi Fortress: A Late Byzantine and Early Ottoman Statio on the Via Egnatia. Transactions. ISSN 1100-0333. 13, p. 89–99.
  • Sande, Siri (2004). En brytergruppe i Nasjonalgalleriet. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179.
  • Sande, Siri (2003). Romersk statskunst i senantikken - tradisjon og fornyelse. In Iddeng, Jon Wikene (Eds.), Antikke samfunn i krig og fred: Festskrift til Johan Henrik Schreiner. Novus Forlag. ISSN 82-7099-378-6. p. 235–249.
  • Sande, Siri (2003). Ikonene og deres opprinnelse. In Johansen, Johannes (Eds.), Ortodokse røster i nord. Hl. Silouan Forlag. ISSN 87-988460-1-9. p. 103–113.
  • Sande, Siri (2003). Romersk statskunst i senantikken - tradisjon og fornyelse. In Iddeng, Jon Wikene (Eds.), Antikke samfunn i krig og fred: Festskrift til Johan Henrik Schreiner. Novus Forlag. ISSN 82-7099-378-6. p. 235–249.
  • Sande, Siri (2003). Old and New in old and New Rome. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XVII, p. 103–116.
  • Sande, Siri (2001). The Iconography and Style of the Rothschild Cameo. Acta Hyperborea. ISSN 0904-2067. 8, p. 145–158.
  • Sande, Siri (2000). That's Entertainment! Athletics, Mime and Theatre in the Piazza Armerina Villa. Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia (ACTA). ISSN 0065-0900. XI, p. 41–62.

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  • Sande, Siri & Ahrens, Sven (2014). Nasjonalmuseet. Antikk skulptur. Katalog. Antique Sculpture. Catalogue. Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design. ISBN 978-82-8154-098-9. 256 p.
  • Roggen, Vibeke; Ravnå, Per-Bjarne; Thorsen, Thea Selliaas & Sande, Siri (2010). Antikkens kultur. Aschehoug & Co. ISBN 978-82-03-33743-7. 248 p.
  • Sande, Siri (2008). Antikviteten. Små ting, stor viten. Novus Forlag. ISBN 9788270994946. 292 p.
  • Sande, Siri & Zahle, Jan (2008). The Temple of Castor and Pollux III. L'Erma di Bretschneider. ISBN 9788882654979.
  • Hodne, Lasse & Sande, Siri (2008). Mater Christi. Scienze e Lettere. ISBN 978-88-88620-62-6. 244 p.
  • Hodne, Lasse & Sande, Siri (2006). Continuatio & Renovatio. Scienze e Lettere. ISBN 978-88-88620-38-1. XX(6). 265 p.
  • Sande, Siri (2004). Statua di Augusta o personificazione, i Daniela Candilio (red.), Moda, costume e bellezza nella Roma antica. Electa. 9 p.
  • Brandt, Johann Rasmus; Sande, Siri & Hodne, Lasse (2003). Rome AD 300-800. Power and Symbol � Image and Reality. Scienze e Lettere. 188 p.

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  • Sande, Siri (2004). En station på vejen. Sfinx. ISSN 0105-7618. 27(2), p. 88–92.
  • Sande, Siri (2004). Hans Peter L'Orange (1903-1983). Un ricordo. Unione internazionale degli istituti di archeologia, storia e storia dell'arte in Roma: Annuario. 45, p. 187–192.
  • Sande, Siri (2004). Villsvinjakt. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 2, p. 11– 30.
  • Sande, Siri (2003). Vinløv og annen hårpryd. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 1, p. 7–21.
  • Sande, Siri (2003). Prins eller atlet? Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. 2, p. 7–22.
  • Sande, Siri (2002). Nøkkel, lås og segl. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 10–29.
  • Sande, Siri (2001). En Tanit-figurin(?). Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 8–23.
  • Sande, Siri (2001). Den rasende Skylla. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 13–29.
  • Sande, Siri (2000). Anmeldelse av Geir Hellemo: Guds billedbok. Virkelighetsforståelse i religiøse tekster og bilder, Pax forlag 1999. Kunst og kultur. ISSN 0023-5415. p. 203–206.
  • Sande, Siri (2000). Om ikoner. Kirke og kultur. ISSN 0023-186X. p. 185–192.
  • Sande, Siri (2000). Et underlig hode. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 10–19.
  • Sande, Siri (2000). Hadrian på sjokoladefabrikken. Klassisk Forum. ISSN 0801-3179. p. 9–21.
  • Sande, Siri (1999). Utgraving i Petropigi, Kavala, Nord Hellas. x.

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Published Aug. 17, 2020 1:17 PM - Last modified Oct. 1, 2020 4:11 PM