Norwegian version of this page

Renovations at the Norwegian Institute

We have started wrapping up our library in view of the extensive renovation works planned to start in January 2023. The library, reading room, offices and meeting rooms will not be accessible for students, researchers and the public before late Spring. 

Image may contain: Tripod, Ladder, Wood, Building, Interior design.

Biblioteket, 7. desember 2023

The University of Oslo has initated a comprehensive renovation project to rehabilitate the facades of the Norwegian Institute in Rome, in addition to internal work to improve the facilities for researchers. We look forward to keeping you up to date on the progress! 

Updates will be posted on the Institute's pages: 

Facebook  Detnorskeinstitutt

Instagram #dniroma

By Anne Nicolaysen
Published Dec. 7, 2023 3:26 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2023 3:26 PM