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Photographic archive

The collection consists of approximately 3000 glass slides, and 3500 negatives and photographs.

On a table is a brown, older box for photographs that say in Italian: "Ferrania. Loading Cappeli". All around are black and white photographs.
Photo: DniR

The library manages a photographic archive comprising over 6000 entries (prints, slides, glass plate negatives, glass plate slides, albums, and other materials associated with early photography).

The collection's core consists of pictures taken during research projects conducted by Hans Peter L’Orange, Hjalmar Torp, and Ejnar Dyggve.

A consistent series of documentation comes from the investigations at the Tempietto Longobardo di Cividale del Friuli, from the on-field projects held in Thessaloniki initiated by Ejnar Dyggve in 1939 and carried on in collaboration with Hjalmar Torp in 1953, and from the survey of High Medieval Mediterranean sculpture started by H.P. L’Orange in 1937, interrupted by the outbreak of the Second World War.

Search our digitised photo archive at ALVIN Platform for digital collections and digitised cultural heritage. The University of Oslo Library digitised it.

The Photographic Archive is part of Censimento delle raccolte fotografiche in Italia

Inventory of the archive

Tags: Dnir, Hjalmar Torp, The Norwegian Institute in Rome, Photographic archive, Tempietto Longobardo, Cividale del Friuli, Thessaloniki, Ejnar Dyggve, Hans Peter L'Orange
Published Mar. 20, 2023 1:06 PM - Last modified May 2, 2024 9:24 PM