Lectures at the Institute - autumn 2017

Archaeology of the Bronze, Iron and Viking Age in Scandinavia is the focus of three of the lectures this autumn, while the L'Orange lecture takes a closer look at the individual in the Greco-Roman world. All presentations are in English, and start at 18:00. Everybody is welcome to register their participation to post@roma.uio.no


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Unn Pedersen 

Monday 11 September

Dr. Unn Pedersen: Kaupang in Skiringssal - Urban Vikings and Rural Fashionistas Program



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Marianne Hem Eriksen

Friday 13 October  

Dr. Marianne Hem Eriksen: Processing, Curating and Fragmenting Skulls in Iron and Viking Age Scandinavia. Program





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Jonathan Hall

Thursday 2 November - The L'Orange lecture 2017

Prof. Jonathan Hall: Archaeology of the Individual in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Program





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Lene Melheim

Thursday 16 November

Dr. Lene Melheim: Bronzization and the Scandinavian Bronze Age. 

Come raggiungerci - Kontaktinformasjon - Getting here

Publisert 28. aug. 2017 14:01 - Sist endret 5. jan. 2021 10:37