Instituttseminaret (Director's Seminar Series)

Instituttseminaret finner sted i undervisningsrommet i grunnetasjen (nesten) hver tirsdag ettermiddag. Noen seminarer er interne, beregnet på instituttets forskere og studenter, og starter kl. 16:00. Andre er åpne for offentligheten og starter kl. 18:00. DNIR’s fagstipendiater, gjesteforskere og inviterte forelesere presenterer sin pågående forskning. Presentasjonene er som regel på engelsk. Formatet er et 20-minutters foredrag, etterfulgt av diskusjon og uformelt sosialt samvær i hagen, stuen eller på terrassen, avhengig av vær og årstid.

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Bildet kan inneholde: bokhylle, hylle, bord, møbler, bok.

Program Spring Term 2023 

Changes may occur

Tuesday 24 January, 4 pm: Christopher Siwicki (DNIR), Stephen Kay (BSR), Elena Pomar (BSR), Veronica Castignani (BSR), and Francesca Paola di Casola (BSR): The First Mile of the Via Latina Project: The Residence of the Norwegian Ambassador

Tuesday 31 January, 6 pm: Visiting Fellow Francesco Maniglia, University of Oslo: Reshaping Greek Italy in Roman Times – the Geography of Myth

Tuesday 7 February, 4 pm: Double seminar

Visiting Fellow Knut Harald Gjellestad, University of Oslo: Augustean Reception of Greek Sculpture as a Model for 21st Century Aesthetics

Visiting Fellow Thorbjørn Nordbø, University of Oslo: Machiavelli on Index – Ten Strategies for Publishing Forbidden Books

Tuesday 14 February, 6 pm: BOOK LAUNCHBook launch with DNIR Honorary Fellow, Prof. Victor Plahte Tschudi, Oslo School of Architecture: Piranesi and the Modern Age. Comments from Prof. Mario Bevilacqua, La Sapienza and Dr. Clare Hornby, British School at Rome

Tuesday 21 February, 6 pm: Scholar in Residence Dr. Mary Jane Cuyler, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo: In the Eye of the Beholder: Reconsidering the Torlonia Harbor Relief

Tuesday 28 February: Seminar cancelled due to illness 

Tuesday 7 March, 4 pm: Visiting Fellow Tara Palmstrøm Fenn, University of Oslo: Between “inundatio” and “diluvium”: Environmental imagination in a medieval flood sermon

Tuesday 14 March, 4 pm: Double seminar

Visiting Fellow Eva Rem Hansen, NTNU (Trondheim): Entering the Work. Artists’ Appearances and Authority in Arte Povera, 1965-1972

Eystein & Ella Magnus Fellow Sarita Øygard, University of Bergen: Classical Materiality in Italian Contemporary Sculpture

Tuesday 21 March, 6 pm: Scholar in Residence Prof. Henning Laugerud, University of Bergen: Historical truth, truth in history: A post-colonial perspective on the Middle Ages

Tuesday 28 March: No seminar. Conference Perceptions of aging and old age: thresholds and life cycles, in collaboration with Biblioteca Herziana

Tuesday 4 April: No seminar. Easter week (Settimana santa)

Tuesday 11 April, 6 pm: Scholar in Residence Prof. Knut Ødegård, University of Oslo: Greek urban foundations in the Late Archaic period: The connections between the colonies in Magna Graecia and the Greek motherland

Tuesday 18 April, 4 pm: Visiting Fellow Maria Myrtveit, University of Bergen: Ragazzi di Vita: To recreate the Rome of Pier Paolo Pasolini in Norwegian (please note that this presentation will be given in Norwegian)

Tuesday 25 April: No seminar (Festa della Liberazione)

Tuesday 2 May, 6 pm: Visiting Researcher Richard Wittman, University of California, University of California, The Pontifical Expedition to Egypt of 1840-41: A Forgotten Episode in the Nineteenth-Century European-Egyptian Encounter

Tuesday 9 May, 4 pm: Scholar in Residence Prof. Gard Granerød, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo: How Tall is the Yahweh of Solomon’s Temple? Computing Yahweh’s Stature

Tuesday 16 May, 6 pm: Visiting Researcher Prof. Patrick Bernhard, UiO: A Chivalrous War? The North African Campaign, Rommel and the Uses of the Medieval Past

Tuesday 23 May: No seminar

Tuesday 30 May, 6 pm: Visiting Researcher Associate Prof. Daniele Miano, The Roots of Universal History: The Empire, the World, and the Historian (c. 200 BCE - 1681 CE)

Tuesday 6 June: No seminar

Tuesday 13 June, 4 pm: Visiting Researcher Dr. Frederic Clark, Historia Universalis  and the Novus Orbis: Antiquity, the Americas, and the Writing of Universal History in Early Modern Europe


Publisert 13. jan. 2023 15:06 - Sist endret 8. mai 2023 11:16