Webpages tagged with «Philosophy»

A tree in the foreground with lots of greenery in the background and blue sky
Published May 9, 2023 2:26 PM

This lecture has unfortunately been cancelled. 

What would it mean to tell the stories of trees? How can we represent them in ways that do not rely on problematic forms of ventriloquism, which reinscribe inequalities, and which do not rely on various forms of empathy or sympathy? This talk by Dalia Nassar, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sydney, aims to outline a theory of representation that aims to respond to these questions in relation to trees.

Published Dec. 14, 2010 2:53 PM
Published Dec. 14, 2010 2:54 PM
Published Dec. 14, 2010 2:57 PM
Published Dec. 14, 2010 3:00 PM
Published Sep. 17, 2019 3:33 PM
Oslo Death Network it says above a round black thing. Logo.
Published Mar. 28, 2019 2:30 PM

ODN is an interdisciplinary research network in death studies.

An old building with human formed columns. City view also. Photo.
Published July 16, 2019 12:50 PM

We study ancient philosophy from the Pre-Socratics through the Classical and Hellenistic periods down to Late Antiquity and the Early Christian era.

Published Dec. 2, 2015 9:34 AM

Truth. Race. Knowledge. Man. Woman. These concepts define how we think about the world and ourselves, but they are not stable. Many concepts are defective and should be improved. Some must be revised.

Image may contain: Event, Meeting, Collaboration, Job, Training.
Published Feb. 10, 2020 1:13 PM
The Refined Audition: Music and Speech conference brought together philosophers and scientists to examine the similarities and differences between these two forms of auditory perception.
Published Dec. 15, 2023 11:03 AM
Published Dec. 15, 2023 11:03 AM
Published Feb. 8, 2012 2:24 PM
Published Feb. 23, 2022 1:59 PM
Published Dec. 14, 2010 2:54 PM
Published Sep. 26, 2016 1:37 PM
Published July 3, 2019 8:49 AM
Published Aug. 4, 2020 10:25 AM
Published Sep. 20, 2021 1:50 PM
Published Apr. 5, 2022 11:27 AM
Published Jan. 10, 2023 9:38 AM
Published Sep. 12, 2023 10:20 AM
Published Sep. 21, 2023 9:06 AM
Published Aug. 4, 2014 12:32 PM
Published Sep. 5, 2014 9:15 AM