Webpages tagged with «Politics»

Left to right: Confucius statue (China), Artemis of Ephesus (Turkey), Vishnu (Thailand) and the Black Nazarene (Philippines).
Published Aug. 24, 2022 2:39 PM

The network brings together researchers in the study of religion affiliated with universities and professional communities in Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Published Apr. 14, 2021 4:19 PM
Published Aug. 12, 2019 1:21 PM

This half-day seminar will address the political role that propaganda, television and drama played during critical moments in the history of the twentieth century in Spain - before, during and after Franco. The seminar is open to the public, and is organized in connection with Cristina Gómez Baggethun's midway assessment.

Published Aug. 9, 2018 10:37 AM
Published June 24, 2010 12:36 PM