Webpages tagged with «Postcolonialism»

Drone view of a dead and young forest.
Published Mar. 14, 2023 10:09 AM

The third Welcome to the Anthropocene lecture will be given by Jason Allen-Paisant, Senior Lecturer in Critical Theory and Creative Writing, and will address the challenge of a just ecological transition by exploring how ideas and praxes of ‘cultivation’ might foster an awareness of deep time in mainstream political consciousness.

Published Mar. 3, 2023 2:15 PM
Published Sep. 9, 2022 9:20 AM
Published Oct. 13, 2021 10:10 AM
Published Jan. 22, 2019 3:06 PM
Published Apr. 30, 2015 11:51 AM
Published Aug. 6, 2014 10:40 AM
Published Sep. 23, 2010 12:00 PM