Webpages tagged with «polar expedition»

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Published Nov. 9, 2022 2:42 PM

How could the Nordic region become part of chocolate advertising in France?

Drawing of the Northern light in a book from 1876.
Published Apr. 7, 2022 2:55 PM

How could one ‘capture’ the Northern Lights in times before it became possible to photograph or film this phenomenon?

Two stuffed Ross's Gulls
Published Apr. 7, 2022 2:55 PM

What can Ross’s Gulls collected by Nansen far out in the Arctic Ocean in 1894 tell us about the use of such objects then and now?

Fossil of an ammonite
Published Apr. 7, 2022 2:54 PM

Most people don’t know this, but Nansen also mapped geological features and collected fossils on his polar expedition with Fram. While on Franz Josef Land, he took samples of fossils that have subsequently been important in understanding the geology of the archipelago and the formation of the Barents Shelf.