The Management and Administration Regulations for the Faculty of Humanities

Revised by the Faculty Board on 10 December 2003. Approved on the Rector’s authority on 12 February 2004. Adjusted by the Faculty Board on 24 September 2010.


These regulations are based on the following laws, agreements and regulations: The University and University Colleges Act, The Basic Agreement for the Civil Service, The Civil Service Act and the University of Oslo HR Regulations, Election Regulations and Procedural Regulations for the Election or Appointment of Deans and Pro-Deans.

The Faculty's governing bodies

Section 1 The Faculty bodies

The Faculty of Humanities shall have:

  1. A Board
  2. A Dean
  3. Two Pro-Deans
  4. A Faculty Director
  5. Boards for issues relating to education and research
  6. Programme Committees for programmes of study and research training

Section 2 The Faculty Board

Section 2.1 Area of authority

The Faculty Board is the faculty’s highest decision-making body. The Faculty Board is responsible for establishing the faculty’s overall objectives, priorities and strategies within the framework of the applicable laws, regulations and decisions made by the University Board.

The Faculty Board exercises its authority by deciding upon:

  • Overall objectives, principles and priorities for the organisation
  • Long-term plans with a particular emphasis on strategy for research, education and dissemination
  • Annual plan and budget
  • The internal organisation of the faculty into departments, programmes, permanent committees or equivalent within the frameworks set down by the University Board
  • Supplementary provisions to these regulations, including further provisions on the election or appointment of deans, pro-deans and heads of department, as well as further rules relating to the composition of department boards or councils
  • Appointments and nominations to academic positions for which the faculty is the appointing or nominating authority

The Faculty Board is responsible for follow-up through:

  • Approval of accounts and annual reports
  • Approval of systems for quality assurance and/or quality development

The Faculty Board shall also nominate external representatives to the Faculty Board. The Faculty Board shall make all decisions on the basis of delegation from and on behalf of the University Board. Areas of authority that are not directly and expressly delegated to the Faculty Board pursuant to this section shall normally be covered by the Dean’s area of authority.


Section 2.2 Composition

The Faculty Board shall have 11 members and shall have the following composition:


  • The Dean
  • The Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training
  • Three student representatives
  • Two representatives of the permanent academic staff
  • One representative of the temporary academic staff in at least a 50% position
  • One representative of the technical and administrative staff
  • Two external representatives

The Faculty Board is chaired by the Dean. The Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training is the deputy chair.

The Dean and Pro-Deans shall be elected. The elections must be conducted in accordance with the rules adopted by the University Board.

The external representatives shall be appointed by the University Board following a proposal of the Faculty Board.

The student representatives shall be elected by the students on the basis of the University of Oslo’s Election Regulations.

The representatives for the academic staff (permanent and temporary) and the technical and administrative staff shall be elected by the groups they represent, in accordance with the relevant rules.

For each of the above-mentioned groups, the same number of deputies as representatives shall be elected, with the exception of groups that have one representative on the Faculty Board. For these groups, two deputy representatives shall be elected.

Section 3 Election

The term of office for the members of the Faculty Board is four years for the representatives of permanent academic staff, technical and administrative staff and external representatives. The term of office for the student representatives and the representative of temporary academic staff is one year.

A representative or deputy representative shall resign if their affiliation with the group or faculty ceases.

Section 4 The Dean

The Dean is the chief executive of the Faculty and shall manage its activities within the framework laid down by the University Board and by instructions from the Rector and University Director, as well as through decisions made by the Faculty Board.

The Dean shall have the overall responsibility and authority with regard to all duties that are not explicitly assigned to the Faculty Board or another body and shall have general authority to decide upon ongoing individual matters.

The Dean shall report to the Rector in all matters that are not assigned to the University Director’s area of responsibility, in accordance with section 15 of the Norwegian Act relating to universities and university colleges. In such matters, the Dean shall report to the University Director.

The Dean is the chair of the Faculty Board. The Dean shall be responsible for preparing the presentation of cases, including proposals for decisions in matters that fall within the area of authority of the Faculty Board (cf. section 2), and shall be responsible for implementing the decisions made by the Faculty Board.

The Dean shall represent the faculty externally and shall have overall responsibility for external networking, information and contact with external partners. The Dean shall manage the relationship with public sector unions and student bodies. The Dean shall have direct line management responsibility for the Pro-Deans, the Faculty Director and the heads of department.

The Dean shall exercise their responsibility, among other things, by delegating authority within their area of authority to the Pro-Deans, the Faculty Director and the heads of department. The Dean may be assigned duties on behalf of the University of Oslo as an institution.

Section 5 Pro-Deans

The Faculty of Humanities shall have one Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training and one Pro-Dean for Studies and Education. The Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training has a special responsibility for matters related to research and research coordination.

The Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training shall be the Dean’s deputy and shall perform the role of the Dean in the event of extended absences on the part of the Dean. The Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training is also a member (deputy chair) of the Faculty Board as well as the Dean’s deputy.

The Pro-Dean for Studies and Education has special responsibility for the administration and development of the Faculty’s programmes of study. The Pro-Dean for Studies and Education can attend meetings of the Faculty Board, with the right to speak, and is the deputy for the Pro-Dean for research and Research Training on the Faculty Board.

Section 6 Boards for issues relating to education and research

The Faculty shall have a board for issues relating to education and a board for issues relating to research. These boards shall meet the need for internal dialogue on matters relating to studies and research and provide an arena where relevant groups at the faculty can participate.

The board for issues relating to education is headed by the Pro-Dean for Studies and Education. The board for issues relating to research is headed by the Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training.

Section 7 Programme committees for programmes of study and research training programme(s)

A programme committee with delegated responsibility for coordination of the study and research training programmes, shall be established for all programmes of study that lead to a degree. A single programme committee may be responsible for multiple programmes of study.

The programme committee shall decide the academic framework, important priorities and the system for quality assurance and development of the programmes. The programme committee can delegate its duties beyond this to the head of programme.

Decisions on day-to-day operations shall be delegated to the head of programme. A programme committee for research training shall be delegated the overall and coordinating responsibility for one or more research training programmes. The programme committees shall be composed in such a way that they reflect the various academic groups within the individual programme and ensure student representation.

In the programme committee for research training, the student representatives shall be candidates in organised research training. One member of the programme committees may be appointed who does not represent any of these groups. The programme committees report to the Dean.

Section 8 Nomination and Appointment Committee

The Faculty Board shall establish its own Nomination and Appointment Committee to consider nominations and appointments to academic positions at the faculty. The composition of the Nomination and Appointment Committee shall be as follows:

  • The Dean
  • Two academic employees
  • One technical / administrative employee
  • One student

The Faculty Board decides how the representatives on the Nomination and Appointment Committee are to be appointed or elected. The Pro-Dean for Research and Research Training is the deputy for the Dean. In addition, there shall be two deputies for the academic employees, one deputy for the technical and administrative employees and one deputy for the students.

Section 9 Faculty Director

The Faculty Director shall manage the administrative and managerial work at faculty level in consultation with and by delegation from the Dean. 

General provisions 

Section 10 Area of application

These Regulations apply to the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Oslo.

Section 11 Entry into force

These Regulations enter into force on 1 January 2004.


Published Sep. 22, 2022 10:32 AM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2022 10:32 AM