The Career Development Programme

Close up of ionic column.Photo, black and white.
© UiO/Anders Lien

The Career Development Programme is a talent scheme at the Faculty of Humanities (HF), aimed at giving a selected group of our best and most ambitious researchers tailored training and support over five years. Our main goal is to advance the researchers' careers and enable them to secure external funding, especially from the EU.

The participants will each be given the opportunity to supervise one Ph.D. position and will get 250.000 for running expenses. They will also have reduced teaching obligations for one semester in order to develop applications, and will be prioritized as HF’s participants to UiO’s Research Leadership Programs. The participants will apply for funding from the European Research Council, and will be assigned mentors, as well as be given tailored courses aimed at strengthening their academic skills. The first group of eight participants was accepted in September 2016, and the second group of seven participants was accepted in March 2018.