Courses and seminars - Page 5


This PhD course will focus on the phenomenon of entanglement and non-locality in quantum mechanics, with the aim of deepening the understanding of their philosophical implications.

Time and place: , Sogndal

How to write a high-quality PhD dissertation in history? In small groups, students present and discuss their own PhD writing with peers and faculty. This workshop is held in conjunction with the Norwegian History Days 2023.

Time and place: , 418

In the final seminar, PhD fellows from IMK get feedback and recommendations for improving their dissertation draft prior to submission.   

Time and place: , in PAM 389 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Cultural Studies Ingrid Kvalvik Sørensen. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Assistant Professor Anne Brædder from the Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University 

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Middle East studies Mustafa Akay. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Dr. Ethan Menchinger from the University of Manchester.

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Religion studies Amna Mahmood. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Senior Lecturer Jesper Petersen, from the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Time and place: , Zoom (University of Agder)

What is a high-quality peer review in a historical journal? How do we write one, and how do we work with peer review reports when improving our article manuscripts? This PhD workshop will be held digitally on Zoom. Course credits: 1 ECTS

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in South Asia studies Chiara Arnavas. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Associate Professor Kenneth Bo Nielsen, from Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 10, P. A. Munchs hus

The compulsory course for all PhD candidates takes a broad approach to ethical issues in the humanities. It ensures that all candidates are familiar with the norms that constitute and regulates scientific practice and secures research integrity.

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Middle East studies Ingvild Tomren. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Professor Randa Aboubakr, from the Department of English Language and Literature at Cairo University.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 10, P. A. Munchs hus

This compulsory course for all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Humanities introduces foundational problems of knowledge-production in the humanities.

Time and place: , 12th floor, Niels Treschows hus

Text development seminar in literature organized by Associate Professor Geir Uvsløkk at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme.

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Middle East studies Zahra Abbasi. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Professor Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet, from the Department of History at the University of Pennsylvania.

Time and place: , seminar room 3, Sophus Bugges house

Advanced course in Research Ethics: Course participants will learn about and discuss various kinds of fieldwork in different social and political settings. This includes attention to how we navigate the sometimes conflicting demands between open science and the ethical imperative of protecting informants and anyone else contributing to data gathering in the field.

Time and place: , Seminar room 1, Sophus Bugges hus

This workshop gives an overview of the elements and genre expectations of the curriculum vitae (CV) and time for hands-on work developing the participant’s own CV.

Time and place: , Seminar room 1, Sophus Bugges hus

Learn how your research paper can benefit from a strategic use of storytelling to make it clear, engaging, and readable.

Time and place: , Seminar room 4, Sophus Bugges hus

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 3

Advanced course in Research Ethics: Scholars in the humanities are expected to contribute knowledge to the society. Their work and insights often call for or aims at social change. This course critically examines research for social change and debates about scholar activism.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 2

Advanced course in methods: This is part two of a two part course on texts in historical contexts. Each course can be taken independently, but it is strongly recommended to take both. 

Time and place: , Seminar room 1, Sophus Bugges hus

The compulsory course for all PhD candidates takes a broad approach to ethical issues in the humanities. It ensures that all candidates are familiar with the norms that constitute and regulates scientific practice and secures research integrity.

Time and place: , Seminar Room 3, Sophus Bugges hus

How do young researchers write clear and well formulated research descriptions? How do they get funding for their research projects? This one-day workshop aims to provide young researchers with the necessary tools to write competitive applications and get funding.

Time and place: , seminar room 4, Sophus Bugges house

Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: This course seeks to equip PhD candidates doing research into social and political issues to understand the epistemological assumptions underpinning adjacent research in the social sciences. It invites them to reflect on the formulation of research questions, case selection and ambitions for generalisation in their own research. The goal is to make PhD candidates able to critically reflect on the various ways to generalise, and what may be useful and relevant in their own research. 

Time and place: , Seminar room, 1 Sophus Bugges hus

Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: Scholars in the humanities generate knowledge for society in a variety of ways and engaging with several disciplines when doing so can sometimes yield particularly novel, path-breaking research. This advanced course in theories of knowledge critically examines the virtues and limits of working across disciplines.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 2

Advanced course in theories of knowledge: This is part one of a two part course on texts in historical contexts. Both can be taken independently, but it is strongly recommended to take both. 

Time and place: , Seminar room 4, Sophus Bugges hus

Are you writing something? Of course you are! Join Writer's Hours, a low threshold, socially guaranteed artificial environment for concerted writing during HF PhD Week and get some work done!