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Previous events - Page 18

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

‘Common prosperity’ is an important goal for the future development of the Chinese economy. This is a response to several decades of increasing inequality during the reform era. Which groups of the Chinese population have so far missed out on the advantages of rapid economic growth? What is their situation?

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen

Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, Associate Professor at Aarhus University, will speak at RITMO's Seminar Series.

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Seminarrom 203

It is tempting to think that the answer to the question ‘what is reproduction?’ can be found through studying biology. But is this really the case? And if not, how do we answer such a question, and what are the consequences of choosing one way over another?

Time and place: , Zoom

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a digital talk with Rodney Harrison, Professor of Heritage Studies at UCL, on Wednesday September 8th.

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

China’s economic reforms have caused rapid growth for a period of forty years. The Chinese Communist Party’s gradualist approach to reform was not inevitable. What were the alternative routes and why were they abandoned? What new obstacles for further Chinese economic development may change its future course?

Time and place: , YouTube

Scandinavian fiddle music by Anne Hytta.

Time and place: , RITMO/Zoom

Keynote at RPPW2021: "Mapping between sound, brain and behavior for understanding musical meter"

Time and place: , YouTube

A network performance between Oslo, Stockholm, and Berlin during RPPW 2021. Three musicians explore a shared physical-virtual stage using motion capture and spatial audio.

Time and place: , Zoom

Fibres Out of Line is an interactive art installation and performance. The installation consists of 10 autonomous musical robots. Jennifer Gerry will improvise a ˜10 minute dance performance with the robots during the performance. Jennifer is in California, while the robots are in Oslo. Both Jen and the Robots will join a Zoom session to see, hear, and respond to one another.

Time and place: , RITMO/Zoom

Keynote at RPPW2021: "In the wake of Henry Shaffer"

Time and place: , RITMO

This workshop brings together researchers from a range of disciplines together to engage in discussions about the scientific study of rhythm.

Time and place: , BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Time and place: , Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain
Time and place: , Zoom webinar

The 1st MIRAGE Symposium took place on 8-9 June, 2021, but continues online: all videos are available and the discussion can continue on Slack. 

The symposium is organised in the context of the MIRAGE project (RITMO, in collaboration with the National Library of Norway's Digital Humanities Laboratory).

Day 1: VideoYouTube link.

Day 2: VideoYouTube link.

Follow and continue the discussion on Slack. Get access to the MIRAGE Slack workspace by clicking here.

Time and place: , Online symposium.
Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

China both sends and hosts high numbers of international students. Is education a means to become cosmopolitan? How is China's place in the global educational landscape changing after Covid?     

Time and place: , YouTube

This 6th edition of MusicLab focuses on musical interactions between humans and machines, featuring prominent musicians from Norway’s improvisation scene. Christian Winther (guitar) and Dag Erik Knedal Andersen (drums) will play with an artificial intelligence-enabled interactive music system, CAVI, developed by Çağrı Erdem.

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

The growth of the Greater Bay Area in South China is still heavily reliant on the access to cheap labor. This seminar examines the role of labor brokers in shaping rural-urban labor migration in China.  

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

China’s global economic and political power has expanded. How will China use its new position to change the world? How does the country’s rise change its self-perception?

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

Shenzhen was declared China’s first special economic zone 40 years ago. Which path does the city take? What is its role as a development model today?

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

Welcome to HEI's heritage day 2020.

The event will be organized digitally, see separate registration.

Time and place: , Zoom

Welcome to HEI’s first International Student Conference! 

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Blindern

Online conference: EELC8 will be livestreamed using Zoom

The theme of the eighth biennial Explorations in Ethnography, Language and Communication conference is “Perspectives across disciplinary and political borders.”

Time and place: , Zoom Webinar

Dr Rebecca Fiebrink, Reader at the University of the Arts London Creative Computing Institute, will give a seminar on "Machine learning as (Meta-) instrument".