Personal data in research: how to register your project with Sikt and store your data

Do you plan to use human participants or personal data in your research project? Learn about Sikt's notification form and get advice on consent forms, security measures and data storage.

Illustration with boxes in different colours; blue, orange and grey. In some of the boxes there are symbols for locks, verification, a computer etc.
Photo: Colourbox

The course will consist of two parts. We highly recommend participating in both parts if you plan to submit a notification form to Sikt in the near future.

It is possible to only participate in part 2 if you already have submitted your form or just want to learn more about how to store and share your research data at UiO.

1. Personal data and a practical guide to the Sikt notification form

  • Time: 10:00 – 11:00
  • Facilitator: Lisa Nordick, Senior advisor and data protection officer at HF

Research projects can encounter personal data in many contexts, for example through interviews, questionnaires, social media posts or other materials.

To ensure that the planned processing is in accordance with data protection legislation, all research projects that process personal data must send a notification form to Sikt, the Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research (former NSD). We go through the different steps of the form and give hands-on advice.

2. Data storage and sharing at UiO

Have you heard about TSD, Educloud, OneDrive or ‘storage hotel’? Do you plan on sharing your research data with your supervisor, using UiOs Dictaphone app, or use and encrypted flash drive?

All research data, like interview recordings, questionnaire data or drafts of your paper have to be stored somewhere. We present the storage solutions and sharing available at UiO, how to access them and which are suitable for what kind of project.

Introductory course to GDPR 

We highly recommend that you complete UiO's course on protection of personal data before participating. The digital introductory course provides basic knowledge about data protection, information security and UiO's routines. 

E-learning course in protection of personal data (


The course is open to all students, PhD candidates, postdocs and researchers who need an introduction to Sikt's services including the notification form and data storage and sharing at UiO. The course language is English.

Please register to share which data you plan to work with and what kinds of storage and sharing solutions you are most interested in. Drop- in participation without registration is possible.

Sign up (

Tags: data protection, data storage, Sikt, GDPR
Published July 1, 2024 11:52 AM - Last modified July 1, 2024 11:52 AM