Media dissemination of research (2 ECTS points)

This course in research dissemination and outreach teaches the possibilities and demands of disseminating research to a general, non-academic audience. It provides hands-on writing skills, starting from the course participants' PhD projects and discipline, as well as academic reflection on news and current affairs media as arenas for research dissemination.

Registration deadline: 10 November

Course credits: 2 ECTS

The course combines overview session on the demands and Image may contain: Text, Font, Signage, Line, Rectangle.possibilities of research dissemination with working sessions that feature group work and individual feedback.

The course participants are required to submit a draft dissemination text based on their PhD project. The draft will be revised as part of the course teaching. Course credits are given when the text is published for a general audience.

This course is non-compulsory in the 2021 fall semester. Its 2 ECTS points cover the 2-point requirement for research dissemination within the Faculty of Humanities' 30-point total coursework.

Joint sessions will be in English; writing can be done in English or Norwegian with corresponding individual feedback.

Course leaders: Mina Hauge Nærland og Espen Ytreberg. Mina Hauge Nærland is currently journalist and former desk editor in Aftenposten. Espen Ytreberg is professor and author. 

Time and place

November 24 and 25, 9:30 - 16:00 both days. Location: Niels Treschows hus, 12th floor.

Sign up here

Tags: PhD course
Published June 7, 2021 3:42 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2021 12:09 PM