Media dissemination of research (2 ECTS points)

This course in research dissemination and outreach teaches the possibilities and demands of disseminating research to a general, non-academic audience. It provides hands-on writing skills, starting from the course participants' PhD projects and discipline, as well as academic reflection on news and current affairs media as arenas for research dissemination.

Registration deadline: 25 October

Course credits: 2 ECTS

The course combines overview session on the demands and Image may contain: Text, Font, Signage, Line, Rectangle.possibilities of research dissemination with working sessions that feature group work and individual feedback.

The course participants are required to submit a draft dissemination text based on their PhD project. The draft will be revised as part of the course teaching. Course credits are given when the text is published for a general audience.

This course is non-compulsory in the 2021 fall semester. Its 2 ECTS points cover the 2-point requirement for research dissemination within the Faculty of Humanities' 30-point total coursework.

Joint sessions will be in English; writing can be done in English or Norwegian with corresponding individual feedback.

Course leaders: Mina Hauge Nærland og Espen Ytreberg. Mina Hauge Nærland is currently journalist and former desk editor in Aftenposten. Espen Ytreberg is professor and author. 

Time and place

December 5 and 6, 9:30 - 16:00 both days. Location: P. A. Munchs hus, seminar room 6

Sign up here

Tags: PhD course
Published Sep. 26, 2022 8:43 AM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2022 8:43 AM