CV Writing for Early-Career Scholars

This workshop gives an overview of the elements and genre expectations of the curriculum vitae (CV) and time for hands-on work developing the participant’s own CV.

Paper with the words CV Writing and a pen

Nearly everything the early-career scholar applies for requires a curriculum vitae, but what and how this document communicates is rarely made explicit. There are unspoken rules that vary significantly from discipline to discipline, even within the humanities. This workshop gives a clear overview of the elements and genre expectations of the curriculum vitae, as well as ample time for hands-on work individually and in small groups. The course covers short and long form CVs, differences in between the curriculum vitae for a job application and an application for external funding, as well as reflections on how evaluators interpret the curriculum vitae in a hiring or funding process. Detailed questions regarding e.g., career breaks, the formatting of publication lists, the difference between a CV and a “track record,” the use of narrative statements and/or photographs will be addressed.

The workshop provides an opportunity for all participants to develop their own CVs. Participants will also work in small groups, giving each other feedback. The aim is that each participant will have a better understanding of how to tailor their own CV to suit specific contexts.

Course preparation

Participants should also prepare a full draft of their CV prior to the workshop and be prepared to share and discuss it in small groups. Please send your current CV and the context you intend to use it in (job application academia/non-academia, a specific funding proposal, etc.) to until Monday, 27th of November. 


The workshop will start with a presentation by professor of Scandinavian literature Ellen Rees from ILN; participants are encouraged to ask questions and participate actively during the presentation. Participants are required to bring their CV drafts and a way of sharing and editing them during the hands-on part of the workshop.


The course language will be English.

The course is open for all, but please note that examples are mainly targeted to researchers within the Humanities. 

Sign up here


Tags: CV Writing genre expectations
Published Sep. 13, 2023 1:52 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2023 1:55 PM