PhD Week Fall 2023

The PhD week program offers introductory and advanced courses in theories of knowledge, research ethics and methods, as well as writer's hours and skills-oriented courses and workshops - and social events.


Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities' PhD Week! The academic program includes the compulsory introductory courses in theories of knowledge and research ethics, and various advanced courses in theories of knowledge, research ethics, and methods. There are also workshops and courses in various researcher skills, writer's hours, and social events.


The program is designed for PhD candidates and postdocs at HF. Many courses and events are relevant for candidates and PhDs from other institutions, and all courses and activities are open to everyone, but HF's candidates are given priority.

There will be coffee each morning and lunch every day. We will also invite you to social activites a couple of evenings, so save some room in your diaries! A registration form for social activities will be distributed closer to the PhD week.

Registration for courses opens 20 September, see individual courses for registration form.

Academic program 

The titles for all courses is listed in the table. Links to courses will be included when the course websites are ready. 

All courses, workshops, and writer's hours sessions take place in Sophus Bugges hus. Academic courses run from 9-16. Researcher skills training are normally half-day workshops. 

Most of the courses are 1 ECTS credit courses. Credits are not given for writer's hours and skills-oriented courses/workshops.

If you have questions about a particular course, please e-mail the contact person(s) indicated in the course description.

NB! In addition to the courses below, we will offer Introduction to the Theories of Knowledge in the Humanities on Monday 20 November and Introduction to Research Ethics on Wednesday 22 November. Registration will open on September 20.

Monday 27 November

Introduction to the Theories of Knowledge in the Humanities, 9-16 

Formulating and Testing Hypotheses, 9-16

Ethics of Interpretation, 9-16

Writer’s Hours 9-12

Writing the «kappe» for Article-based Dissertations in the Humanities, 13-16

Tuesday 28 November

Philosophy of Science for PhD Candidates in Linguistics, 9-16

Squaring the Triangle: How to Balance Recognition, Academic Freedom, and the Right to Privacy in the Humanities, 9-16

Theories of Knowledge: Aesthetics, 9-16

Zotero, 9-12

Writer’s Hours 9-12

Better Presentations for Researchers - Crafting Compelling Narratives, Designing Impactful Slides, and Delivering Convincing Talks, 13-16

Wednesday 29 November

Media dissemination of research, part 1, 9-16

Introduction to Research Ethics, 9-16

Text in Historical Context: Epistemological Problems in the Humanities, 9-16

Writer’s Hours, 9-12

CV Writing for Early-Career Researchers in the Humanities, 13-16

Thursday 30 November

Major Debates in Literary and Cultural Theory, 9-16

Ethics in Fieldwork, 9-16

The Peer Review Process in Academic Journals, 9-12

Data Management Plan, 9-10:45

Open Research, 11-12

NVivo, 13-16

EndNote, 13-16

Friday 1 December

Media dissemination of research, part 2, 9-16

Introduction to Text Mining with Python and Web Applications, 9-16

Theories of Knowledge: Truth, History, Humanities, 9-16

Text in Historical Context: Methods, 9-16


Published Aug. 9, 2023 12:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2023 10:14 AM