PhD Week Spring 2023

Welcome to HF's PhD week - a learning festival for early career researchers! The program offers introductory and advanced courses in theories of knowledge, research ethics and methods, as well as writer's hours and skills-oriented courses and workshops - and a number of social events.


Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities' first ever PhD Week! The academic program includes the compulsory introductory courses in theories of knowledge and research ethics, and various advanced courses in theories of knowledge, research ethics, and methods. There are also workshops and courses in various researcher skills, writer's hours, and social events. While the program is designed for PhD candidates at HF, many courses are also relevant for and open to postdocs, and to PhDs from other institutions. In general, the courses are open to everyone, but HF's candidates are given priority if the course is full, see each individual course (links in the timetable below) for detailed information.

Registration for courses opens 8 March and closes 15 March, see individual courses for registration form. If there are still seats available, registration will re-open on March 17. A separate registration form for social activities will be distributed later in March. In addition to coffee each morning and lunch every day, there will be evening activities Monday through Thursday, so save some room in your diaries!

Academic program

All courses in Theories of Knowledge, Research Ethics and Methods are 1 ECTS credit courses. Credits are not given for writer's hours and skills-oriented courses/workshops. If you have questions about a particular course, please contact the contact person(s) indicated in the course description. All courses, workshops, and writer's hours sessions take place in Sophus Bugges hus.

Monday 22 May

(FULLY BOOKED) Introduction to the Theories of Knowledge in the Humanities (all day)

Advanced Course in Research Ethics: Internet Research Ethics (all day)

Advanced Course in Methods: Introduction to Archival Research (all day)

Writer’s Hours (9-12)

Tuesday 23 May

(FULLY BOOKED) Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: Texts in Historical Contexts: Epistemological Problems in the Humanities (all day)

(FULLY BOOKED) Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: The Virtues and Limits of Inter/Trans/Cross-Disciplinarity (all day)

Writer’s Hours (9-12)

Researcher skills and tools: NVivo, 13-14:45

Researcher skills and tools: Open Research - publication and data archiving, 14:45-16

Wednesday 24 May

(FULLY BOOKED) Introduction to Research Ethics (all day)

(FULLY BOOKED) Advanced Course in Theories of Knowledge: Doing Social Sciences as a Humanities Scholar (all day)

Researcher skills and tools: Academic Applications. How to get funding for your research project (all day)

Thursday 25 May

(FULLY BOOKED) Advanced Course in Methods: Texts in Historical Contexts (all day)

Advanced Course in Research Ethics: Research for Social Change, Critically Examined (all day)

Researcher skills and tools: Workshop on Data Management Plans (9-10:15)

Researcher skills and tools: Zotero (10:15-12)

Writer’s Hours (13-16)

Storytelling in academic writing (13-16)

Friday 26 May

Advanced Course in Research Ethics: Ethics in Fieldwork (all day)

Researcher skills and tools: CV Writing for Early-Career Researchers (9-12)


Published Mar. 6, 2023 4:45 PM - Last modified May 10, 2023 12:27 PM