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IMV PhD Calendar

Current calendar for PhD events at IMV. Unless otherwise noted, events are scheduled in the department's "PhD slot" on Tuesdays between 9-12.

Spring 2024

Date Event Location Time
27 February Daniel's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
5 March Mirjana's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
7 March Johanna's Disputation Gamle Festsal 10.15-16.00
18 March Welcome seminar for new PhDs and supervisors NT 12th Floor 9.00-16.00
19 March Ieva's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
2 April Øyvind's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
3-7 June PhD Week Sophus Bugges hus 8.00-16.00
11 June Text development seminar ZEB 338 9.00-12.00
19 June Maham's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30

Fall 2024

Date Event Location Time
3 September  Text development seminar ZEB 338 09.00-12.00
1 October Text development seminar ZEB 338 09.00-12.00
15 October Arthur's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
5 November Text development seminar ZEB 338 09.00-12.00
12 November Anna-Maria's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
19 November Balint's Midway Zoom 10.15-12.30
2-6 December PhD Week Sophus Bugges hus 08.00-16.00


Published Jan. 19, 2024 2:44 PM - Last modified June 10, 2024 9:49 AM