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The Educational Component

The educational component in the PhD programme option for the Department of Musicology amounts to a total of 30 ECTS credits, following the structure below until 31.12.2022.

Structure of the educational component at IMV

*Candidates admitted to the programme before 31.12.2022 may choose to follow the structure below, or the current programme structure implemented 1.1.2023.

Candidates admitted after 1.1.2023 should refer to the current programme structure.

Courses credits
General initial courses, Faculty of Humanities 5 credits
Participation in an international Conference 4-9 credits
Dissemination/ outreach min. 2 credits
Thesis seminars 4-8 credits
Midway assessment 0 credits
Elective research training courses 8-12 credits
Courses in general skills/generic courses 0 credits
Educational component in total 30 credits (ECTS)

The educational component must be completed before the candidate's dissertation is submitted, and candidates are encouraged to complete the majority of the educational component in the first two years. All educational activity for inclusion in the study plan must be approved by the Head of Research Training. Unless otherwise stated, one credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work. Before attending courses, conferences or similar as part of your educational component, you should confer with your adviser and apply for pre-approval. See ‘approval of educational activity’ at the end of the page.

Educational Components

  • Participation in an international conference: In order to get credits for participating in an international conference, you need to have a presentation of a lecture/abstract, or similar (such as a poster or paper). Normally, a poster presentation or a paper/lecture will amount to 2 credits.
  • Dissemination/outreach: By dissemination, or outreach, the idea is to reach the general public. The educational component dissemination/outreach involves courses in communication of research, articles, interviews, publications in newspapers, performances, lectures etc. An interview will account for 1-2 credits, depending on the length of the interview.
  • Thesis seminar: The Department of Musicology organises its own thesis seminars. Presenting at a thesis seminar gives 2 credits, and commenting on someone else's work account for 2 credits. It is compulsory to do at least one presentation and one commentary during the course of your degree. Attendance does not give any credits in itself.
  • Elective research training courses: These courses may be taken at national or international research schools, other institutions, through one time activities/seminars, or, if approved by the Head of Research Training, specialised master's courses in other subjects. Credits are appointed according to length and intensity.

Approval of educational activity

Planned participation in external courses and seminars must be sent in for approval by the Head of Research Training. Please do so through the following form.

Apply for approval

Courses and other activities will be registered as soon as these have been completed and the documentation has been sent to the Research Adviser. You can follow your own progression through My studies.


Courses and seminars at IMV

No upcoming events

See all courses and seminars

Published Feb. 8, 2023 10:07 AM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2024 11:50 AM