Norwegian version of this page

Submitting the thesis

Before submission 

Send the abstract to your department's Research Consultant

Advise the PhD executive officer at your Department that the thesis will soon be ready for submission and send the Norwegian and English abstracts (as a Word document) by e-mail to your department's Research Consultant.

Document your participation in the organized research training

Remember that it is your responsibility to be able to document participation in the organized research training throughout your course of study. Before submission, you must have completed the educational component.

Sources and references

Make sure to refer all sources used in the thesis correctly and sufficiently. The Faculty reserves the right to scan all doctoral theses in a text recognition programme to ensure that doctoral theses at the Faculty of Humanities follow current guidelines for referencing at UiO.

Submission of your thesis

Where is the thesis submitted?

The thesis and all enclosed documents is submitted through an online form (nettskjema) to the faculty and the faculty’s sub-archive. Contact the PhD executive at your Department well before your deadline to receive the link to the online form.

What should be submitted?

  • The online form (Application for evaluation of the thesis)
  • The thesis as a PDF file
  • A form for documenting participation in organized research training. See: Documentation of organized research training.
  • Co-author declaration, if the thesis has co-authors (odt)
  • Abstract in Norwegian and English (+ thesis language, if other than Norwegian or English) in a combined PDF-file.

The online form requires you to log in with your UiO username and password. All documents are to be uploaded through the online form. The signed originals of the Co-author declaration and the Form for documenting participation in organized research training must be handed in to the PhD Officer at your Department.

If you have a deadline for submitting your thesis you have to submit the thesis before 1:00 pm on the day of the deadline. If your deadline is on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday you must submit your thesis before 1:00 pm the first working day thereafter.


Do not submit a thesis that has not been checked for technical or linguistic errors. Check the references. It is a good idea to use an electronic spellchecker to weed out any linguistic errors.

Even though the thesis will primarily be assessed based on its academic merits, a thesis with linguistic or technical errors may irritate the adjudication committee, which may lead to the thesis not being approved for public defence.

Paying to have the thesis proofread may be a good investment. Feel free to set aside allocated funds to cover this expense. You can also contact your department to enquire whether it has funds to cover proofreading.

Submitting a revised thesis?

If you have been granted permission to submit a revised version of the thesis within a six-month deadline, you must follow the same procedure for submission as the first time. Remember to tick the correct box in the online form.

Additionally you must upload a cover letter to the adjudication committee marked "Submission of revised thesis", where you provide a brief account of the changes made. The cover letter is uploaded through the online form.


You must follow the same procedure for submission as the first time.

However, tick the box for resubmission in the online form and specify the name of the institution where the thesis previously was evaluated.

Documents to be submitted along with your thesis

Co-author declaration

If your thesis is article-based, do one or more of your articles have co-authors?

If so, you must document the extent of the co-authorship in each article by submitting co-author declarations.

Both you and your co-authors must sign the co-author declaration (odt).

Abstract in Norwegian and English

You must submit an abstract of the thesis in Norwegian and English, and in the language of the thesis if it is in another language.

Abstracts should not be more than 2000 characters, including spaces.

The abstract must present the conclusions you reached in your thesis.

It may be a good idea to start by presenting your research questions and the material you have studied, but try to keep the focus on your results, as opposed to writing a new project description.

The department uses the abstract (in Norwegian or English) to present your thesis in its proposal for an adjudication committee.

If the thesis is approved for public defence, the scientific abstract will also be archived in Cristin. The abstract will be archived in the language in which the thesis was written.

Documentation of organized research training

If all required credits (ECTS) are registered as completed in Studentweb, the PhD executive at your Department will generate a form for documenting participation in organized research training for you. This generated form must be signed by you and the PhD leader at your Department.

If you have completed courses that are not registered in Studentweb, you will need to complete the documentation form, listing all of the courses and seminars you have attended throughout your PhD education. The form must be signed by the PhD leader, who thereby confirms completion of the educational component of the PhD program.

Application for a completion grant

If you are employed as a research fellow at HF, completing the programme within the nominal period of study, you may apply for a completion grant by:

sending an e-mail to your department's Research Consultant – six months prior to submission sign up for basic educational training for university lecturers

The department's Head of Research is responsible for drawing up your agreement for the completion grant period.

The department must notify the Personnel Officer two weeks before the deadline for submission, and forward

a) your completion grant agreement for approval
b) the supervisor's written recommendation

The supervisor's recommendation must state whether he/she has read the final thesis manuscript and deems it to be ready for assessment.

Remember to submit your thesis before 1:00 pm on the day of the deadline. If your deadline is on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday you must submit your thesis before 1:00 pm the first working day thereafter.