New PhD Course arranged by CPS

CPS is arranging a PhD Course in the spring of 2022, titled "Opening Philosophy of Medicine to the Future by Integrating Historical Epistemology and STS".

Image may contain: Glasses, Forehead, Nose, Glasses, Cheek.


This course will focus on the epistemology of evidence-based medicine (EBM) and of precision medicine (PM)—but seen through the lens of two canonical figures of science studies and historical epistemology: Ludwik Fleck and Georges Canguilhem. The lecturer is Professor Cornelius Borck (Lübeck, Germany).

The dates for the course is March 28-29 2022. 

Practical Info

  • The application deadline is 31 Janury 2022.
  • The course is planned to take place in-person at Oslo University, Norway. We will take all necessary measures to keep the course safe. Digital participation is possible. Please consider that in case the pandemic situation would not permit in-person classes, the course will be postponed.
  • The course is 3 ECTS credits.
  • All participants must be present on both days of the course and complete the reading preparation in advance in order to benefit from the shared discussions. The participants are required to lead about a one-hour discussion session on one of the reading materials and submit a paper (2000-3000 words) that is marked as "pass." Deadline for submitting the paper: 15 May 2022.
  • The course is free of charge and includes dinner on the first evening. Transportation, accommodation, and other meals have to be arranged and financed by the participants themselves.

Read more about the program and questions for the course here. 

Published Nov. 22, 2021 1:15 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2023 3:51 PM