HEI's first cultural heritage day was a success

HEI arranged its first annual cultural heritage day on the 21st of March 2019. The event had a good turnout with over 180 participants!

The cultural heritage day was opened by Pro-Dean at the Faculty of Humanities, Mathilde Skoie and Museum Director at the Museum of Cultural History, Håkon Glørstad, before HEI’s project leader Unn Pedersen gave a short introduction.

Museum director Håkon Glørstdad
Welcome speech by Museum Director at the Museum of Cultural History Håkon Glørstad. Photo: Olaf Christensen. 

Following this we had the pleasure of hearing four engaging and thought-provoking talks. First out was Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, Kaja Hannedatter Sontum. She talked about how stories from Oslo youths challenge identity categories in the cultural heritage field.

Doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, Janne Werner Olsrud gave a talk about documentation practices at museums, which was based on her newly defended doctoral thesis.  

Kaja Hannedatter Sontum
Doctoral Research Fellow Kaja Hannedatter Sontum with the talk 'I am a mix'. Photo: Olaf Christensen. 

HEIs newly employed Post Doctor at the Norwegian Institute in Rome, Samuel Hardy talked about “Heritage propaganda from Eastern Europe to West Asia”, and discussed how heritage propaganda today is spread through social media.

Gang, mennesker
Stands in the foyer of Georg Sverdrups hus. Photo: Benedicte Baltzersen. 

Finally, we were given a talk by specially invited Anne May Olli, Director at RiddoDuottarMuseat, and Jérémie McGowan, Director at Nordnorsk kunstmuseum.

In their talk they discussed what decolonisation means for our museums, and presented the project ‘There is No Sámi Dáiddamusea’ where Nordnorsk kunstmuseum was taken over by a fictional Sami museum.

After the final talk the participants moved out to the foyer of Georg Sverdrups hus where 26 stands were waiting. There was a wide range from the cultural heritage sector represented; museums, institutes, county councils, journals and student organisations.    

We would like to thank all the speakers, everyone who contributed with a stand, and all participants for an enriching and highly enjoyable day.

Mennesker, hall.
There was plenty of activity around the stands. Photo: Benedicte Baltzersen. 


Published Sep. 12, 2019 3:00 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2023 3:55 PM