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Archaeology students at Gjellestad

Archaeology students joined the ship excavation at Gjellestad, and made exciting discoveries in the sieve.

Archaeology students sifting soil at Gjellestad

Photo: Mari Arentz Østmo

In the fall of 2022, HEI partnered with the Gjellestad project at the Cultural History Museum (KHM) to provide an incredible opportunity for archaeology students. During the excavation of the Gjellestad ship, the archaeologists were unable to sift through all of the top soil. This presented an opportunity for archaeology students to travel to Gjellestad and assist with the sifting work. In the soil, the students found ship nails and other artifacts, which helped the KHM archaeologists to gain a better understanding of the top soil. The experience provided the students with valuable hands-on experience in excavation, and some of the students also got to try their hands at soil sampling. We would like to express our gratitude to KHM for the collaboration and to the students for their outstanding work!

You can find more information about the student's contributions to Gjellestad and updates on the project here.

Image may contain: Cloud, Sky, Plant, People in nature, Natural landscape.
The archaeology students were able to participate in soil sampling at Jellhaug. Photo: Mari Arentz Østmo.


Published Jan. 17, 2023 2:23 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2023 2:23 PM