1.0. Welcome to Literature, Cognition and Emotions (LCE) Podcast

Text alternative for the LCE Podcast teaser.

Karin Kukkonen

There's something you call critical feeling... Maybe you could start by telling us what it is?

Reiko Abe Austad

Are we going to talk about the impact of modernization?

Stijn Vervaet

Thank you for the invitation and thank you for having me here.

Karin Kukkonen

Literature makes you feel and it can get you thinking too. But how do you move from signs on a page to thoughts and feelings? And why does fiction sometimes feel more real than the world around us? My name is Karin Kukkonen, and together with my colleagues from the Literature, Cognition and Emotions project, LCE for short, we will discuss these and other questions in the coming weeks. Until then.

Published May 8, 2023 11:05 AM - Last modified May 8, 2023 11:05 AM