The Turf Wars of Tape Worms: Veterinary Humanities in EcoHealth. Environmental Lunchtime Discussion

In this talk, philosopher and veterinarian Kerstin Weich introduces how veterinary humanities contribute to current discussions on environmentality in biomedicine. Starring: Japanese fungus, veterinarians, tapeworms, horses and dung-feeding beetles in ecological turf wars.

A white horse stands on the beach.

Photo: Kerstin Weich.

The deadly consequences that the droppings of recently dewormed horses can have on manure fauna are well known in veterinary parasitology. In these fatal legacies, standards of veterinary care combine with ideals of equine husbandry and fears of parasites with the extinction of dung-eating beetles and flies. By picturing the multiple turf wars, that feature the genealogy of horse dung as mass grave for arthropodes, the potential of a multispecies approach for thinking Biomedicine and EcoHealth will be unfolded.

About the presenter

Kerstin Weich is a philosopher and a veterinarian with special qualification in animal welfare. As Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Ethics at the Messerli Research Institute in Vienna she inititated the first global Network for Veterinary Humanities. Her work crosses medical philosophy, animal studies and veterinary science. She is member of the editorial team of Humanimalia, Associate Editor for Frontiers in Veterinary Science, and co-edited Special Issues on Veterinary Ethics (FoodEthics, BMTW), Veterinary Anthropoloy (Frontiers) and Interspecies Relationality (Society&Animals). Kerstin holds a PhD in philosophy and is about to finalize her doctorate in veterinary medicine. Currently, she is looking at the intersections between veterinary fertility management, disabilities and extensive breeding. At OSEH, she is interested in the role of veterinary medicine in articulating the concept of EcoHealth.

About the event series

The OSEH Environmental Lunchtime Discussion series consists of short, 15 minute presentations by invited guests, followed by a discussion. We invite speakers from a wide variety of fields, both academic and beyond. The presentations are accessible and are aimed at anyone with an interest in environmental issues. All are welcome.

Tags: OSEH, HF, IKOS, Fungus, Veteraniary Humanities
Published Feb. 17, 2022 3:13 PM - Last modified Dec. 5, 2022 1:25 PM