
Time and place: , Sophus Bugges Hus Seminarrom 2 / Zoom

The destruction and pollution of rivers was a precondition for early urbanisation. With this seminar we invite you to explore intersections and tensions that exist between how the historical, cultural and natural sciences approach the restoration of river landscapes.

Register here! Please register by November 28th for physical or digital attendance.

Time and place: , Register for information meeting on Zoom

Do you want to better understand the environmental and climatic crisis, work accross diciplines, experience Place-Based Learning and communicate environmental research to a broader audience?

Time and place: , 12. etasje, Niels Treschows hus

How can personal engagement with planetary health restore human health and the well-being of more-than-human others? In this inaugural lecture of the Fellesløft project ‘Anthropogenic SOILS’, environmental historian Libby Robin, Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University, will review the emergence of the idea of the environment in the wake of the ‘dirty thirties’, a time when topsoil blew away – in both Australia and in the United States, and the hope of ‘feeding the world’ was threatened.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 1

What do we mean when we say and think "after oil"? In this talk Graeme Macdonald, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick (UK), will examine a range of literary and artistic examples constituting a significant expression of petroculture: the post-oil imaginary.

Time and place: , Café Snorre, Niels Treschows hus

The research group Climate, Environment and Energy, KLIMER, warmly welcomes Prof. Dr. Ole Georg Moseng from the University of South-Eastern Norway. He is one of the few specialists in the history of early modern epidemics.

Time and place: , Deichman, Grünerløkka

Arne Naess' work and his philosophy, Deep Ecology, kick-started a global movement that put Nordic culture on the environmental map. What is his legacy today, and does it still have bearing in the epoch of the Anthropocene? Join us for a lively conversation around climate change, Nordic responses - and uncertainty. With Knut Ivar Bjørlykhaug and Martin Lee Müller, chaired by Gunnar Gjermundsen.