EcoLit Now! International Symposium on Ecocritical Literary Studies and the Environmental Humanities

The EcoLit Research Group and the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH) invite you to an International Symposium to illustrate how literary and cultural studies can make important contributions and interventions in relation to environmental problems and aspirations. Join us for this exciting line-up of lectures, a roundtable discussion, and more. 

Landscape image, with fields in the background and a fjord and woods in the background

Randsfjorden, photo by Michael Lundblad

About the symposium

Literary and cultural texts that explore environmental issues provide important sites for ecocritical analysis. Within the broader framework of the environmental humanities, this symposium will illustrate how literary and cultural studies situated in different historical, cultural, and language contexts can make important contributions and interventions in relation to environmental problems and aspirations. Participants will engage with interdisciplinary fields such as ecocriticism, multispecies studies, posthumanism, human-animal studies, and animality studies, as well as environmental justice, biopolitics, and cultural theory broadly conceived. A roundtable discussion will focus on ecocritical literary studies within the framework of environmental humanities at the University of Oslo and beyond. Join us for this international symposium! Coffee and refreshments will be served. Please register to attend.

Register here!


14:00 - Welcome and Opening Remarks

Ursula Münster, Director of the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH)

14:15 - OSEH Environmental Humanities Lecture

Michael Lundblad (EcoLit Research Group Leader)

How to Live Together with Rats: Multispecies Literary Idiorrhythmy

15:00 - Roundtable Discussion

Ecocritical Literary Studies and the Environmental Humanities

Participants: Sissel Furuseth, Gro Bjørnerud Mo, Teresa Pepe, Pierre du Plessis

Moderated by: Michael Lundblad 

16:00 - Coffee break

16:15 - Panel: Ecocriticism in Action

Inger Østenstad, The Mark of Global Warming in a Contemporary Norwegian Realist Novel

Stefka Eriksen (Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research), Notions of Energy in Old Norse Culture

Chiara Lanza (University of Ferrara, Italy), Soils Criticism: How Can Soils Emerge from Environmental Narratives?

Guðrun í Jákupsstovu (University of Bern, Switzerland), Deep Time Mythologised: Reading the Anthropocene in Morten Strøksnes' Havboka

Moderated by: Gro Bjørnerud Mo

18:00 - Coffee break

18:15 - Keynote Lecture

Jihan Zakarriya (Aarhus University, Denmark),

Gender and Environmental Violence in Modern Arabic Literature

Introduction and moderator: Teresa Pepe

All are welcome! We hope to see you there!

Tags: Environmental Humanities, Literature, Ecocriticism, Multispecies Studies, Posthumanism, Animality Studies, Biopolitics, Cultural Theory, Human-animal Studies, Symposium, Literary studies
Published Mar. 24, 2023 3:28 PM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2023 1:52 PM