

Welcome to an exhibition with presentations, installations and performances by students of the Environmental Humanities and Sciences Honours Certificate!

Time and place: , Sognsvann, by the kiosk

Many of a forest's vital processes happen beneath the soil, out of sight. However, their are clues to the clandestine collaborations between fungi and plants and animals. In this walkshop, natural historian and environmental photographer Alison Pouliot, takes us deep into the forest to discover its diversity, explore ideas and rethink fungus-forest lives.

Time and place: , Room 120, Harriet Holters hus

How do we maintain or restore the diverse functions and processes in soil that foster soil resilience and provide a buffer against climate-change induced changes? In this highly interactive and sensory workshop, natural historian and environmental photographer Dr. Alison Pouliot, provide an overview of the vital significance of fungi in soils.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

We invite you to our Environmental Humanities Festival where we celebrate the exciting work happening in the field here at UiO, in Norway, and beyond. The day will start with a keynote lecture by Jamie Lorimer, University of Oxford, followed by presentations by the OSEH Collaboratories, a pop-up exhibition, film screenings, a "green" choir performance, and more. 

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Auditorium 1

A turn is underway in the probiotic approaches. Recalibrating modern antibiotic approaches and heading off their unintended consequences, the probiotic uses life to manage life, connecting the microbial with the planetary. This keynote lecture given by Jamie Lorimer gives critical insight into these interventions and their implications, and is part of OSEH's environmental humanities festival on the 10th of June.

Time and place: , Kulturhuset

We invite to a conversation on the role of education in creating alternative environmental futures. Tim Ingold (University of Aberdeen) will hold a public lecture at Kulturhuset on "Reason and Response-ability", followed by a panel discussion with Mette Halskov Hansen (UiO), Britt Kramvig (UiT), Felix Riede (Aarhus University) and Heather Swanson (Aarhus University). Moderated by Gro Birgit Birgit Ween (Museum of Cultural History, UiO).