Quarry Field Excursion: Honours Certificate Students

On 26 March, the new class of students in the Honours Certificate in Environmental Humanities and Sciences (EHS) went on their first field excursion to the Huken quarry in the northeastern part of Oslo. 

Picture of a student in front of rock formations
Photo: OSEH

The excursion was part of the course EHS4000 - Knowing Natures: Environmental Research Seminar. At the quarry, the students were introduced to different forms of rock formations and their origins. Furthermore, they were given an introduction to the geological history of the Oslo region before they were divided into groups and given practical exercises.

The first excercise was given by the UiO geologist Henrik Svensen, who gave the students a few basic map assignments: map what you see and notice at the quarry-site. Later, archaeologist and heritage scholar Alexa Spiwak had prepared an archaeological fieldwalk. The aim of these exercises was to give students the chance to think practically (and together) about methods and disciplinarity, and how these condition what one sees, find, record, notice, relate to in a given space.

In 2018, the Oslo City Council decided that the quarry would be closed for production, and repurposed. Oslo municipality has more information about the plans for repurposing of the Huken quarry (see their webpage. NB! Norwegian only). 

A great thank you to Henrik and Alexa for sharing their enthusiasm for rocks and landscapes! It was a learning experience for the EHS students, and to 'think with rocks' as a way of understanding different processes of environmental change. 

Photo of Henrik Svensen teachin on-site
Henrik Svensen on-site. Photo: OSEH
Photo of students by a quarry site
Students overlooking parts of the quarry. Photo: OSEH






By Erik Nordnes Einum
Published Mar. 31, 2022 11:15 AM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2023 3:40 PM