Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities Symposium and PhD Researcher School

In September, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH) organised a PhD Course and a Symposium as part of the Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) to celebrate innovative environmental humanities research happening in Norway and neighboring Scandinavian countries, especially by early career researchers.

Group of people standing outside in a garden

Image: Ursula Münster

PhD Course: Planting the Environmental Humanities - Theories and Methods (4-7 September 2023)

This PhD Course which was part of the Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) explored key contemporary questions around plants through emplaced learning in the Oslo Botanic Garden where participants engaged closely both with the grounds and with botanical expertice to explore theories and methods for working with plants in environmental humanities. Our aim was to generate situated experiences and discussions that support participants’ evolving research projects.

The course was facilitated by a group of leading scholars with a range of disciplinary backgrounds and included activities such as:

  • A workshop by sensory ethnographer Susanne Schmitt (RIFS, Potsdam),
  • An Introduction to Botanical Garden research and walk with Anneleen Kool (Natural History Museum, Oslo)
  • Modules on cutting edge work in critical plant studies with an exciting group of scholars including Michelle Bastian (University of Edinburgh/Oslo), Scott Bremer (University of Bergen), Anna-Katharina Laboissière (University of Oslo/OSEH), and Libby Robin (Australian National University)
  • The Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities Symposium

The PhD Course was organised by Michelle Bastian (University of Edinburgh/Oslo) and Ursula Münster (University of Oslo/UiO), with the administrative support of Malene Bøyum.

Pictures from the PhD-Course

Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities bildekarusell

Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities Symposium (6 & 7 September)

As the Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) - led by PI Dolly Jørgensen at The Greenhouse, University of Stavanger - started its 5th year, the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH) organised a symposium on “Transdisciplinary in the Environmental Humanities” on 6 and 7 September 2023 at the University of Oslo. This 2-day symposium took place at the Museum of Cultural History as well as Blindern Campus and highlighted the innovative environmental humanities research happening in Norway and neighboring Scandinavian countries, especially by early career researchers.

During the symposium there were several exciting parallel panel sessions, keynotes by Dolly Jørgensen and Kate Rigby, and a panel debate with Libby Robin, Kyrre Kverndokk, Hanna Musiol, and Susanne Schmitt.

The symposium was organsied by Gro Birgit Ween (University of Oslo) and Þóra Pétursdóttir (University of Oslo).

Pictures from the Symposium

Bildegalleri Symposium


Tags: Environmental humanities, transdisciplinarity, botnaical garden, plants, soils, PhD course, PhD workshop
Published Sep. 21, 2023 11:21 AM - Last modified Sep. 22, 2023 10:38 AM