Schools and/or Screens: Scenarios for the digitalisation of education in Norway

Last October, Screen Cultures and Media Innovations convened a scenario planning workshop to generate future visions of the digitalisation of education in Norway. The results are published here! 

Neutral background with black ink illustration of a human figure with as screen for a head. Illustration.

Detail of illustration by Margaret Hagan from the Noun Project 

The workshop resulted in three detailed scenarios that each unfold specific challenges, problems and conflicts surrounding the future of education in Norway in the context of a swiftly digitalizing world.

The scenarios and their analysis can be downloaded here!

The workshop facilitator was Matt Finch of, using a variant of the Oxford Scenario Planning method, an approach using group work and collective sensemaking to devise multiple future scenarios, articulated as systems and stories.

Published Mar. 21, 2020 4:58 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2020 9:27 PM