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Chief Experience Officer

“I’ve found nearly all the opportunities in my career via unusual methods”, says Tiffany as she argues that you should be willing to step out of your comfort zone while job-hunting.

Portrait photo, woman, smile, glasses, blonde hair, long hair, green shirt, white background

Tiffany Hildre

Photo: Timo Opara

– What are the most important aspects of your job?

– The main objective for me and my team is to maintain the loyalty of our clients and increase their lifetime value. At Journey, we provide our clients with a range of performance marketing services, from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to paid media to e-commerce development. Because there are a lot of moving parts in our deliveries, and because our clients range from large banks to local hairdressers, our team needs to manage projects internally at the same time as building relationships with our clients. An average day for me might look like pitching a marketing plan to a potential client, holding a project status meeting with the development team, sketching out a strategy to increase a client’s budget with us and managing my team’s workload and happiness in their roles. In addition to my role as Chief Experience Officer (CXO), I’m responsible for all English content which involves producing and proofreading social media content, native ads, emails and so on.

– What do you like best about your job?

– Where to start! I find it very motivating that I have the freedom to develop strategies in multidisciplinary areas, from branding & marketing to business development to project management. I love the collaborative spirit in our team and that I get to build and create with inspiring, smart and friendly colleagues. Many companies claim to have a flexible work structure, especially since COVID, but Journey really does - with the option to work from home two days per week of your choosing and the autonomy to organize your own work day. And not least, Journey is rapidly growing and by being part of the adventure, we all have opportunities to test out our own initiatives in a safe environment. It also doesn’t hurt that the offices are pretty fly.

– How are the studies offered by the Faculty of Humanities relevant to your job?

– There’s a joke in the customer experience field that no-one plans to end up as a CXO/CXM. And that certainly was the case for me! My background is largely in content production and management, but the thread that has run throughout is a love for organising, creating something out of nothing, taking initiative, and thinking strategically, and it’s those aspects that led me to (and what I love about) this role. Researching for and writing my thesis had a large part to play in shaping my ability to engineer strategies and to maintain a big picture perspective while focusing on the smaller details, which are essential skills to this role. Moreover,  it’s vital that I understand where our clients stand in their industries, how we can support that through improved digital performance, and how the Nordic media market is evolving. My master degree at IMK certainly gave a good foundation for that.

– What is the best advice you can give new students who are wondering about job opportunities available to them after graduation?

– Get creative. Keeping an eye on Finn and LinkedIn is good standard practice but I’ve found nearly all the opportunities in my career via unusual methods. Make a creative social media post about you and your job hunt; start a YouTube channel or podcast based on the industry you want to work in; reach out directly to people in your network; pitch a business idea at open pitching events. Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance over a coffee. Be willing to step outside your comfort zone. In the worst case, you broaden your experience and make new friends. In the best case, you find a career opportunity that wouldn’t necessarily pop up on job advert platforms.


Tiffany Hildre

Media Studies/Nordic Media
Now: Medier og kommunikasjon


Graduation HF:

Chief Experience Officer

Journey Agency (

 More career interviews

By Torunn Nyland, Career and Employability Coordinator HF
Published Nov. 4, 2021 11:25 AM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2022 1:50 PM