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Secondary education teacher with a master’s degree

The best thing about being a teacher is the dynamic you create with pupils in the classroom, says Nadja.

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Nadja Luckin

Photo: Privat

– What are the most important aspects of your job?

– As a contact teacher, I have two main tasks: facilitate teaching so that the pupils can learn in the best possible way and follow up pupils both academically and socially.”.

– What do you like best about your job?

– The best thing about being a teacher is the dynamic you create with pupils in the classroom. It is especially fun to see pupils have aha-experiences. Another positive thing for me is that no two days are the same.

– In what ways are the studies offered by the Faculty of Humanities relevant to your job?

– I took courses on language, literature, and society in both English and Spanish speaking countries. In my job as a teacher, I use the knowledge I acquired in these subjects a lot. When I wrote my master’s thesis, I also learned how to plan and implement a major project. This has helped me when it comes to the planning associated with my job.

– What is the best advice you can give new students who are thinking about job opportunities after completing their studies?

Studying at the Faculty of Humanities can lead to many different jobs and careers. Remember that every single credit is useful; you never know when you might have use for something in the future. I recommend being open to new impulses and waiting to see which direction you are most drawn towards. Specifically, I recommend joining a student union. The Career Centre also arranges good job seeker courses and I found these to be very useful.


Nadja Luckin

Study program: European Languages
Program option: English Language and Linguistics



Secondary education teacher with a master’s degree and additional education

The City of Oslo, Nordberg School (

More Career Interviews

Published Dec. 13, 2023 2:52 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2023 2:53 PM