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“Gaining knowledge and skills is painstaking work,” says historian Vilde. That’s why she advises new students to put their studies first.

Portrait photo, woman, smile, blonde hair, beige sweater

Vilde Opdan Yttereng

Photo: The Norwegian Armed Forces

– What are the most important aspects of your job?

– I’m currently working on a research project that studies opinion formation in the public debate and among veterans following the withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. My job revolves around research and dissemination related to this. For example, it entails reading research literature, collecting and analysing empirical material, producing academic texts and disseminating research to both academic and non-academic audiences.

– What do you like best about your job?

– What I like most about the job is that I get to do a lot of independent work where I immerse myself in my field, at the same time as I participate in an academic environment and get insight into its various focus areas.

– Out of everything you learned at the Faculty of Humanities, what has been most useful to you in this job?

– The skills I’ve acquired through my studies are particularly relevant in my job: mresearching source material, familiarising myself with and participating in an academic debate, and writing academic texts, to name a few. Although I’m currently working with subjects that differ from the focus of my master’s thesis, I’d like to emphasise the importance of the experiences I gained in writing it – really delving into a field and contributing new knowledge through independent research work. 

– What’s your top tip for new students who are thinking about job opportunities after their studies?

– My tip is to prioritise your studies – gaining knowledge and skills is painstaking work  – but at the same time, take the opportunities that present themselves and allow your path to be created as you go.


Vilde Opdan Yttereng

Modern International and Transnational History




Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies
Institutt for forsvarsstudier, Forsvarets høgskole ( (norwegian)

More Career Interviews

Published Jan. 6, 2023 3:57 PM - Last modified Jan. 6, 2023 3:58 PM