Case competition at the Faculty of Humanities - June 2022

In early June 2022, HF hosted its second case competition. Together with participants from Aarhus and Leuven, HF-students innovative solutions to cases by two Oslo-companies. 

Bildet kan inneholde: datamaskin, bord, personlig datamaskin, laptop, skrivebord, fire personer rundt et bord

Foto by Elisabeth Lysfjord Barlaug

During two and a half days, students worked long hours in the Sophus Bugge og P.A. Munch buildings. Academic staff and case companies were on hand to offer advice and answer questions.

The work was concluded with a 7-minute pitch where students presented their solutions to a jury. The jury was comprised of representatives from the companies, Halogen AS og FoodCapture, as well as academic staff from the Faculty of Humanities. One winner per case was announced during pizza and sodas at the reception at Union371. 

HF-students represented several programs: Religion, Music, Communication and  Technology, Philosophy, Asia and Middle East studies, Chinese with China studies. 

One of the Belgian student has written about his experience in Oslo at GROWTH4SME-project website (

Published Sep. 6, 2022 2:02 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2022 2:02 PM