Employers are looking for this

Employers in the teaching sector are looking for you to have the following skills:

  • Ability to communicate knowledge
  • Ability to acquire new knowledge
  • Good oral communication skills
  • Working productively in a team
  • Leadership
  • Forging new contacts and relationships
  • Seeing new opportunities and perspectives

Employers generally prioritise personal suitability in relation to appointing new employees. Work experience alongside studies and experience of organisations also count for a lot.

Students of the Faculty of Humanities distinguish themselves

According to employers in the industry, these are the skills candidates from the Faculty of Humanities are particularly good at:

  • Specialist expertise
  • Ability to communicate knowledge
  • Good written communication skills
  • Good oral communication skills
  • Ability to work independently

Room for improvement

The employers think that candidates from the Faculty of Humanities do not particularly distinguish themselves in relation to:

  • Ability to handle numbers and statistics
  • Have good industry/organisational understanding
  • Working under time pressure

You should try to hone these skills during your studies, for example, by choosing subjects that require group work.

Teaching skills

For many it will be necessary to take practical educational training in addition to the degree from the Faculty of Humanities to become qualified as a lecturer or secondary school teacher. Your studies qualify you to work in the intermediate and secondary classes at primary and lower secondary school, secondary school and adult learning. See the overview of school subjects at the Faculty of Humanities.

Source: The 2006 and 2010 employer surveys.


Published Jan. 21, 2013 8:57 AM - Last modified May 6, 2022 2:54 PM