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Internship at The Human Rights Academy

Having an internship in an organization with few employees, you get to work on many different tasks, says Marie.

Portrait photo of a smiling woman, wall with picture frame in the background, brown shoulder-length hair, black sweater.

Maria Vhile Røisum

Photo: privat

What tasks did you perform during your internship?

– Since the Human Rights Academy is such a small organisation, I was assigned to a lot of different things. I created interview questions for human rights activists, subtitled films, wrote internal evaluations of projects they had and contributed to the planning and execution of events they had.

How did you use skills you have acquired from your education at the Faculty of Humanities?

– The ability to reflect on topics such as minority stress, intersectionality and why vulnerable groups in society are oppressed came in handy during the internship. It was interesting to combine this expertise with a human rights perspective, which the internship site is keen on and good at.

What do you think is or was the greatest benefit from your internship?

– I learned a lot about the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and how to work with this "from the bottom up".

Anything else you would like to add?

– If you are considering an internship at the Human Rights Academy, I recommend doing an internship in the autumn semester, as that is when there is the most activity and I assume the most learning.

Image may contain: Handwriting, Organ, Fashion, Gesture, Cheque.
Testing of the workshop on minority stress in March. Photo: private
Image may contain: Chair, Multimedia projector, Crowd, Video projector, Public speaking.
Seminar on democratic citizenship. Photo: private


Maria Vhile Røisum

Study program:
Gender Studies

Internship course:
KFL4910 – Arbeidspraksis for Gender Studies

Internship placement spring 2024:
Human Rights Academy / Menneskerettighetsakademiet (

More internship interviews

By Torunn Nyland, arbeidslivskoordinator HF
Published June 24, 2024 12:04 PM - Last modified June 24, 2024 1:09 PM