New International Students

Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities! We want you to have the best start possible, and hope you will join our exciting first week. 


Photo: UiO

Orientation week August 2024!

The orientation week is Monday 12th to Friday 16th of August. There will be activities organized for all exchange students at the Faculty of Humanities - and beyond the official orientation week. 

Monday, 12 August

1:15-3:00 PM: Sophus Bugges hus auditorium 1- Orientation meetingWelcome to the Faculty of Humanities!

Welcome by Professor Gunn Enli, Pro-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.

Information about course registration, examinations and rules, IT services and practical information regarding your stay by Graciete Londrim, International Coordinator.

Meet your buddies! Your executive chief buddies, Zoja Seim and Najaat Molhem, will divide you in groups. 

3:00-4:00 PM: Campus tour 

Orientation around campus in groups, get to know each other.


Tuesday, 13 August

10:00-11:30 AM: Digital Orientation Meeting

Sign up for important information about being a student in Norway (link will come).


Wednesday, 14 August

10:00 AM-11:00 AM: Sophus Bugges hus, Auditorium 1: Information about academic writing, citation and exams 

Learn to navigate our library and how to cite, quote and evaluate your sources, by Rannveig Windingstad, Head librarian, Humanities and Social Sciences Library. 


Thursday, 15 August

12:00-2:00 PM: Barbecue outside at the Faculty lawn

The Faculty is sponsering hot dogs and good vibes. Bring a blanket to sit on and dress in a hat! (The buddy group with the best hats will win a prize). 

3:00-4:00 PM: Norway in a nutshell 

Get to know Norwegian culture and our quirks! 


Friday, 16 August

6:00 PM: Karaoke

We go together to sing at Uglebo


Saturday, 17 August

Whenever: Freaky Saturday 

Today we switch roles, and the new students plan something for their buddies! Each group can plan their own happening.

Suggestions: Movie Night at your place? Explore Oslo during the day? A cosy cafe at Grünerløkka? Take a day off? 


Happenings the rest of the semester

We end a fun week, and encourage to continue meeting your group without your buddies! 

There are events around campus weekly, and free things to do in Oslo. Being an active student and making friends will give you a meaningful time in Oslo! 



Events at UiO

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Buddy system for exchange students

As a new exchange student you are automatically signed up to a buddy group. The Faculty of Humanities will make sure you are connected with your buddy. 

If you have questions regarding your buddy group, please contact the chief executive buddies at The Faculty of Humanities at

General information

Contact your Department or Faculty

To register for courses, please contact the relevant departments and faculties. 

Go to the list of contacts for departments and faculties. 


The student information center

For general questions, please contact the student information at The Faculty of Humanities offers information on general administrative issues concerning your studies.

Go to the Student Information Center at The Faculty of Humanities. 

International student at UiO

Coming to study and live in a new country is a life changing experience, and we aim to help ensure that you receive a warm welcome and that your first weeks run as smoothly as possible.

See more information about settling and finding your way around UiO.